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  1. Friuli Venezia Giulia Cuisine - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Herb Frittata
    Food Network
    This is one of the real classics of this region's cuisine (Friuli-Venezia Giulia).You will find it wherever you travel, especially in the springtime when wild herbs sprout in fragrant profusion all over La Terra Fortunata. The key here is to use as large a variety of herbs, grasses and greens as you can locate. It is traditional that there be at least five different types. Among the most famous are silene, hops, melissa, mint, verbena, basil, marjoram, sage, parsley, spinach (just a little), fennel leaves, Swiss chard, zucchini (courgette) flowers, wild fennel, beet greens, chervil, sorrel and celery leaves. This frittata is served piping hot, tepid or cool. As always, it should be covered if allowed to cool and cut into wedges before serving.