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    • Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur – A true friend is known in time of need. Watch this video on YouTube. The Latin saying “Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur” underlines the actual essence of friendship amid difficult times.
    • Audaces fortuna iuvat – Fortune favours the bold. The Latin phrase “Audaces fortuna iuvat” translates to “Fortune favours the bold” in English. This term supports taking chances and being bold in one’s pursuits since people who are brave and daring are more likely to discover success and riches.
    • Carpe diem – Seize the day. “Carpe diem” is a well-known Latin phrase that means “seize the day” in English. This term urges individuals to seize the moment, to seize the possibilities that present themselves, and to not delay or postpone.
    • Caveat emptor- Let the buyer beware. “Caveat emptor” is a Latin word that translates to “Let the buyer beware.” This term emphasizes the notion that it is the buyer’s obligation to be cautious and ensure that the goods orservicebeing purchased fulfils their expectations and is in excellent shape.
    • a posteriori (from the latter): based on experience.
    • a priori (from the earlier): independent of experience.
    • ad hoc (for this): said of something created or formed for a special case.
    • ad infinitum (to infinity): something that keeps going forever.
    • Latin Quotes About Love
    • Latin Quotes About Death
    • Latin Quotes About Strength
    • Latin Quotes About Life

    LINKING = love quotes for her 1. "Amor vincit omnia" - Love conquers all. 2. "Amor tussisque non celantur" - Love and a cough cannot be concealed. 3. "Amor gignit amorem" - Love begets love. 4. "Amor est vitae essential" - Love is the essence of life. 5. "Amor patriae nostra lex" - The love of our country is our law. 6. "Amantium irae amoris integr...

    "Tempus fugit" - Time flies
    "Omnia mors aequat" - Death makes all equal
    "De mortuis nil nisi bonum" - Speak nothing but good of the dead
    "Post mortem nihil est" - After death, there is nothing
    "Vincit qui se vincit" - He conquers who conquers himself
    "Vivamus, moriendum est;"- Let us live, for we must die.
    "Aegroto dum anima est, spes est" - While there is life, there is hope
    "Aut viam inveniam aut faciam "- I will either find a way or make one.
    "Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim" - Be patient and endure; this pain will benefit you someday
    "Vita sine litteris mors est" - Life without learning is death
    "Astra inclinant, sed non obligant." - The stars incline us, they do not bind us.
    "Non scholae sed vitae discimus" - We learn not for school, but for life
  1. Feb 16, 2024 · 🇰🇬 The coolest Latin phrases go beyond carpe diem and mea culpa. Be cool like Julius Caesar! Try these Latin phrases and words now. You can also hear them.

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    • a posteriori — from the latter; knowledge or justification is dependent on experience or empirical evidence.
    • a priori — from what comes before; knowledge or justification is independent of experience.
    • acta non verba — deeds, not words.
    • ad hoc — to this — improvised or made up.
  2. Oct 26, 2022 · 10 Famous Latin Quotes. 1. Carpe Diem. Perhaps the most recognised Latin phrase in existence today. Originally taken from the Odes of Horace, the literal translation is “seize the day,” meaning don’t waste it! 2. Lupus non timet canem latrantem.

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  4. Nov 4, 2022 · The 90 best Latin phrases and proverbs (and their meaning) Dr. David Dies November 4, 2022. One of the oldest languages in the world has left great phrases that we should appreciate.

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