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  1. Old Fashion Ribbon Candy - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Old-Fashioned Ribbon Candy Recipe
    Old-fashioned Ribbon Candy Recipe With Sugar, Light Corn Syrup, Water, Peppermint Extract, Green Food Coloring, Red Food Coloring
    Coconut Ice - Old-Fashioned Sweet Shop Coconut Candy
    A trip down Memory Lane! This is my mum's recipe for Coconut Ice, little coconut squares which are coloured pink and white, and used to be popular in old-fashioned British sweet (candy) shops. My mum used to make trays and trays of these for our Church fêtes, as well as for Christmas and for gifts. These lovely little coconut morsels are very popular in Scotland where I think my mum's recipe originated – either from my Scottish grandmother or an auntie. These are great fun to make with the children, as they are easy as well as being "no-cook". If you plan to make them for gifts or to sell, pack them into attractive cellophane bags, glass jars or boxes and add a pretty ribbon as well as a label of ingredients and storage details. This recipe is part of my Old Fashioned Sweet Shop collection of recipes, sweets, candies, fudges, sugar plums and chocolates!
    Smoked Salmon Bites
    If you’re looking for an appetizer that will delight your guests with its gorgeous presentation and rich, delicious taste, the search stops here. These beautiful canapés start with a base of candy cane (or Chioggia) beet squares, whose alternating ruby and white rings are stunning. (You can add more color to the platter by alternating candy cane beet and golden beet slices.) The beet stays raw, so the slices are crunchy and sweet and hold up nicely. Strips of smoked salmon get folded and layered on the beet base with a tasty filling of cream cheese, shallots, and lemon rind. The result looks similar to old-fashioned ribbon candy. The jewel-like topping of easy-to-find salmon caviar turns what’s truly a simple make-ahead nibble into an absolute work of art that’ll make you the talk of your social circle. — Idea by Maureen Callahan