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  1. Cooking With Love Cookbook - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Latkes With Chutzpah
    There is something special about Jewish cooking for Jewish people. The extremely high quality of the kosher ingredients combined with the deliciously unique flavours inherent in this hearty, wholesome food, is so delightfully unlike fancy sauces of French and Italian fare, that the Jewish diner feels at home. I am fortunate to have inherited a book by Pauline Frankel, (from my mother, GRHS) called simply "The Jewish Cookbook". My mother loved this little book, because of its simplicity. While I do not profess to know much about Jewish/Kosher cooking, I happily defer to Pauline Frankel's book, again, because of its simplicity. (Jews and Gentiles alike know about Latkes.... but do you know about "Latkes with Chutzpah"?) It has been pointed out to me recently that this recipe is by no means one of Kosher value, because the inclusion of "Chicken Fat", a meat product, and "served with sour cream". The combination of meat product and dairy product is not Kosher. Thank you all who were interested enough to point this out.... Changes have been made; you may now enjoy... No questions, please, remember, I am a gentle Gentile.
    Macaroni 'n' Cheese for Two
    From The Best of Country Cooking Cookbook, c. 2003. I love mac 'n cheese, but with just the hubby and I, there is always way too much. I love that this recipe is just for two - though I'm sure it could be doubled or tripled to feed more. Cooking time doesn't include cooking the macaroni.
    Cheddar Cheese Soup
    My husband loves this soup served with muffins or corn scones. It came from the "Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home" cookbook.
    Best Banana-Nut Bread Recipe
    From the Alpha-Bakery childrens cookbook put out by Gold Medal Flour when I was a kid. I used to love cooking up all these recipes with my mom!
    Lebanese Salad Dressing
    Another recipe from my Cooks of the Green Door cookbook. The recipe was contributed by the Cedars Restaurant. Love dressings with lemon; however,I would probably reduce the amount of olive oil (my preference).
    Channa Dal (Curried Chickpeas)
    Another Dal recipe! We love trying new dal recipes to go with our Indian meals. Dal is a staple Indian dish. I found this recipe in the cookbook "Vegetarian Cooking Around the World."
    Javanese Peanut Pasta
    I found this wonderful recipe in Yankee Magazines 2nd Annual New England Cook-Off Cookbook. I love to mix boneless chicken strips right in with the pasta and I also find myself sprinkling a bit more of the dried pepper flakes just before serving.
    Ground Beef Curry
    Love, love, love the taste of curry! Easy recipe with a nice blend of spices! Different way to use chickpeas! Found this recipe in a Jean Paré cookbook and adapted it a bit.
    Beet Relish
    I loved this relish -- the WW recipe it was with was so-so, but I thought this relish was wonderful and so easy too! Recipe source: Slow Cook It (WW cookbook)