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  1. Dia De Los Reyes Magos Bread - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Vegan Rosca de Reyes
    Food Network
    Día de los Reyes Magos is a special winter holiday in Mexico that celebrates the biblical story of the three wise kings’ journey to visit the newborn king, Jesus Christ. It’s celebrated with a sweet bread we call rosca de reyes, traditionally decorated with sugar paste and dried and candied fruits like figs, oranges, quince paste, acitrón and cherries. Hidden inside are plastic figurines of baby Jesus. Those who find the first baby in their slice are said to be so blessed that they must share their good fortune by making or bringing tamales to a follow-up party on February 2 called el Dia de la Candelaria. Typically, rosca de reyes is made with butter, cow’s milk and eggs. As many of us transition to a plant-based lifestyle, we still seek the comforts of a delicious slice, a taste of home and to participate in our nostalgic holiday traditions. I’ve taken the traditional recipe and veganized it with a few substitutions and additions and decorated it with toppings locally available to me.