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  1. Grape Nuts Cereal Muffins - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Crunchy Grape Nuts Muffins
    Crunchy Grape Nuts Muffins With Grape-nuts Cereal, Milk, Flour, Baking Powder, Ground Cinnamon, Salt, Egg, Vanilla Yogurt, Vegetable Oil, Firmly Packed Brown Sugar, Grape-nuts Cereal
    Grape-Nuts Flake Muffins
    Grape-nuts Flake Muffins With Flour, Baking Powder, Cinnamon, Salt, Brown Sugar, Milk, Egg, Applesauce, Melted Butter, Nut, Cranberries, Raisins, Dried Fruits
    Banana Crunch Muffins (w/grape Nuts)
    Banana Crunch Muffins (w/grape Nuts) With Flour, Sugar, Baking Powder, Salt, Egg, Bananas, Plain Yogurt, Vanilla, Post Grape-nuts Cereal
    Banana Crunch Muffins (w/grape Nuts)
    We were recently in PA and I picked up a box of Grape Nuts Cereal at Wegmans. It was MUCH cheaper than back here at home! I have wanted to make muffins using Grape Nuts for a long time, and am glad I found this one on the website!
    Three Grain Muffins (W/ Grape Nuts Cereal)
    Haven't tried these but got the recipe from my mom, who says they're wonderful...Update. They are wonderful. Made them last night and we've already eaten half of them. Great for breakfast...They will keep you full until lunch.
    Healthy Pumpkin Pomegranate Muffins
    Healthy Pumpkin Pomegranate Muffins With All-purpose Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Grape-nuts Cereal, Sugar, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Cinnamon, Canned Pumpkin, Fat Free Buttermilk, Egg, Pomegranate Seeds