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  1. Those who say, when afflicted with a calamity, ‘We belong to God and to Him we shall return.’. These will be given blessings and mercy from their Lord, and it is they who are rightly guided. (Al-Baqarah 2:155-157) Hadith 19 - Be Mindful of Allah and Allah will Protect You - Abu al-‘Abbas ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas (ra) reports: > “One day ...

  2. Oct 15, 2019 · Di dalam hadis ini Rasulllah shallallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam mewasiatkan beberapa untai kalimat kepada Ibnu ‘Abbas, Untaian Kalimat yang Pertama, ‘Jagalah Allah, niscaya Dia akan menjagamu’. Melalui putra pamannya itu, Nabi mengajarkan kita semua, bila kita menjaga Allah dengan sebaik-baiknya, Allah pasti akan menjaga kita dengan ...

  3. Hadis Ghulam. Antara barang yang cepat Sold Out dan berebut rakyat marhaen beli Lihat Sini. Dari Suhaib bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah bercerita: Di zaman sebelum kamu dahulu ada seorang raja yang mempunyai seorang tukang sihir. Bila tukang sihir merasa dirinya telah tua, dia berkata kepada raja tersebut: “aku telah tua.

  4. Aug 5, 2023 · The word “Ghulam” stems from the Arabic root “غلم,” which denotes the concept of being a devoted servant or slave. In the context of Islamic teachings, the term embodies a sense of humility and submission to the will of Allah, reflecting the core principles of the faith. At its core, “Ghulam” signifies the relationship between a ...

  5. Feb 29, 2012 · Ibn Abbas reported: I was riding behind the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, when he said to me, “ Young man, I will teach you some words. Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you will find Him before you. If you ask, ask from Allah. If you seek help, seek help from Allah.

  6. On the authority of Abu Abbas Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: One day I was behind the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) [riding on the same mount] and he said, “O young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice]: Be mindful of Allah and Allah will

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  8. Mujammi' bin Jariyah Al-Ansari said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) saying: 'Eisa bin Maryam will kill the Dajjal at the gate of Ludd.'"

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