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    Cheese Potato Pancakes and Chili Sauce
    Found on Yummy site and not to hard, great use for left over mashed potatoes. Recipe doesn't say to, but I always pre-bake my potatoes to make sure they are cooked through
    21 Years of Carrot Cake
    During times of inordinate stress, pressure, or change, I find that more than any amount of yoga or breathing, the best meditative practice is simply the act of remembering. Remembering is an act of the heart. It gathers the images and energy of the people we associate with the past experience, and we cannot help to feel a pang of gratitude that we were there to share that specific moment in time together. It’s a practice we can do anywhere, anytime. Driving home from work, checking out books from the library, making the bed… you get the idea. We bring these memories into focus and suddenly the many worries and preoccupations of our day fade to the background. The wisdom of friends, family, and strangers who occupy these memories should remind us that the love and admiration we feel for them is reciprocal—they love and believe in us just the same. Some of the most powerful memories we can access, especially during times of self-doubt or criticism, are the ones of our younger and enthusiastic selves. As children, we were not buried deep in worry, restraint, or stress. Our full-time jobs were to explore a world in its limitless intricacies. We were constantly seeking, questioning, creating, laughing, and enjoying. When I think of myself at three or four years old I see a little girl who was uninhibited, and free. She beamed with light and exuberance and felt blissfully content to be who she was. The words “you can’t” were not in her vocabulary yet and she was assured that the entire world was at her fingertips. I remember that girl. She was amazing. I remember her smile, her confidence, and certainty. But then I realize… hey, that girl is me! That same spirit and lightheartedness still lives inside of me. I can still be free like her; and so can you. We should remember the energy and lightness of our childhood and give ourselves permission to cultivate it in our seemingly constrained lives. Conjuring the memory of such a lightness and warmth can even be enough to push you up the hill on a hard day. Carrot cake is a dessert that brings together the best memories of my both my childhood and of my mother. All twenty-one of my birthdays (which is actually in December) have been celebrated with an original carrot cake recipe that she has saved from the 80s. When I emailed her asking for the recipe last week I think she was probably expecting me to completely transform it into a fat-free sugar-free relative. But I couldn’t—memories associated with this keepsake are of an auspicious nature, and I needed to (mostly) maintain its integrity if for no one's sake but my own. A few tweaks to the icing and oils, but otherwise pretty darn accurate. For me, carrot cake celebrates life, love, remembrance, and the many more memories to be made in the future. I will always remember the way my Mom made this cake for my Birthday. Her love, her compassion, her strength, her goofiness, her joy. I would like to be remembered for this cake, too. I hope to celebrate the daughter of my future and all her potential with this recipe. May it bring you a moment of lightness and tenderness in the way it did for me this weekend.
    Stuffed Pork Loin With Potatoes
    This recipe is a compilation of several found on Recipezaar and other sites; and then I added some things I like to it. It is easy to prepare (in spite of the detailed directions). In fact, the hardest part was "roll cutting" the loin. It is possible to stuff and secure the loin ahead of time and refrigerate before baking.
    Sugar Cookie Cut-Outs
    I had misplaced this recipe and recently found it again. When DD was in Kindergarten the children had to take turns bringing a snack to school for everyone to share and DD loved to bring these cookies. I love this recipe because it doesn't require refrigeration before rolling out and because the cookies always turned out beautifully. The recipe is from a little booklet called Wilton Christmas Recipes & Ideas. Note: If you're using margarine, be sure to use the hard margarine that comes in a brick like butter, not soft tub margarine.
    High Altitude Hard-Boiled Eggs
    After moving to Colorado from the coast, my tried and true hard boiled egg recipe no longer cooked my eggs fully. After quite a few experiments, I finally found an easy, fool-proof way to hard boil my eggs at 5500 feet above sea level!
    Light and Fluffy Chocolate Chip Cookies
    I found an original recipe and adapted it to my taste. I love the fluffiness of this cookie. It's soft, not hard, and crunchy. I get so many compliments on this recipe!
    Perfect Fried Pork Chops
    My fried pork chop recipe :) I came up with this after trying many recipes & not really finding the flavor I wanted for my pork chops. I will sometimes skip soaking as I don't always have time. Choose soak time wisely, as the longer they soak the harder it is to keep the breading from falling off due to excess moisture absorbed in the soaking process. I suggest boneless tho as they are easier to tenderize & will require less soak time to keep juicy. Bone in will take longer, but still work with this recipe. Parsley is optional, some people find that it burns too easily so you can omit & the flavor will not change much at all. I personally love this recipe with a side of Louisiana hot sauce for dipping, I find it compliments the flavor perfectly.
    Fish and Sour Cream Bake
    Although the original recipe calls for Halibut, I've found that any firm, white fish will work. If your fish is frozen, soak it in milk to help remove the frozen "fishy" taste. This is an easy recipe that comes together fast. Except for the fish, most people will have all the other ingredients on hand. I love this after a hard work day....quick, easy, and delicious! Original recipe is from the "Reflections of the West" cookbook, but I've made a few changes.
    Unique Potato Salad Roll-Up (Via Susiequsie)
    I got this recipe as part of "Recipe Exchange Mode" with SusieQusie who found it in the "1 of a Kind Cookbook" of the Junior League of Mobile, AL. The real beauty of this recipe is two-fold - a truly unique presentation and a potato salad mixture you can tweak to suit your personal preferences. Think about it - no more bowls of potato salad sitting on your patio or dining room table getting warm. Prepare however many roll-ups you think you will need, keep them refrigerated, while your guests or family eat, and replenish the supply as needed. Way cool, huh? (Time does not include time to cook potatoes or hard boil the eggs, but I have allowed 15 minutes to prepare all the ingredients for assembly.)