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  1. "[Life of Pi] has a buoyant, exotic, insistence reminiscent of Edgar Allen Poe's most Gothic fiction. . . . Oddities abound and the storytelling is first-rate. Yann Martel has written a...

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    • CHAPTER 7I
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    • CHAPTER 90
    • "I too blink for nothing, as you say."
    • CHAPTER 91
    • CHAPTER 92
    • CHAPTER 93
    • CHAPTER 94
    • CHAPTER 95
    • CHAPTER 98
    • CHAPTER 99
    • "We're sorry aboutt that."

    He lives in Scarborough. He's a small, slim man-no more than five foot five. Dark hair, dark eyes. Hair greying at the temples. Can't be older than forty. Pleasing coffee-coloured complexion. Mild fall weather, yet puts on a big winter parka with fur-lined hood for the walk to the diner. Expressive face. Speaks quickly, hands flitting about. No sma...

    I was named after a swimming pool. Quite peculiar considering my parents never took to water. One of my father's earliest business contacts was Francis Adirubasamy. He became a good friend of the family. I called him Mamaji, mama being the Tamil word for uncle and ji being a suffix used in India to indicate respect and affection. When he was a youn...

    Our good old nation was just seven years old as a republic when it became bigger by a small territory. Pondicherry entered the Union of India on November 1,1954. One civic achievement called for another. A portion of the grounds of the Pondicherry Botanical Garden was made available rent-free for an exciting business opportunity and-lo and behold-I...

    My name isn't the end of the story about my name. When your name is Bob no one asks you, "How do you spell that?" Not so with Piscine Molitor Patel. Some thought it was P. Singh and that I was a Sikh, and they Wondered why I wasn't wearing a turban. In my university days I visited Montreal once with some friends. It fell to me to order pizzas one n...

    He's an excellent cook. His overheated house is always smelling of something delicious. His spice rack looks like an apothecary's shop. When he opens his refrigerator or his cupboards, there are many brand names I don't recognize; in fact, I can't even tell what language they're in. We are in India. But he handles Western dishes equally well. He ma...

    It was my luck to have a few good teachers in my youth, men and women who came into my dark head and lit a match. One of these was Mr. Satish Kumar, my biology teacher at Petit Seminaire and an active Communist who was always hoping Tamil Nadu would stop electing movie stars and go the way of Kerala. He had a most peculiar appearance. The top of hi...

    We commonly say in the trade that the most dangerous animal in a zoo is Man. In a general way we mean how our species' excessive predatoriness has made the entire planet our prey. More specifically, we have in mind the people who feed fishhooks to the otters, razors to the bears, apples with small nails in them to the elephants and hardware variati...

    Getting animals used to the presence of humans is at the heart of the art and science of zookeeping. The key aim is to diminish an animal's flight distance, which is the minimum distance at which an animal wants to keep a perceived enemy. A flamingo in the wild won't mind you if you stay more than three hundred yards away. Cross that limit and it b...

    Yet there will always be animals that seek to escape from zoos. Animals that are kept in unsuitable enclosures are the most obvious example. Every animal has particular habitat needs that must be met. If its enclosure is too sunny or too wet or too empty, if its perch is too high or too exposed, if the ground is too sandy, if there are too few bran...

    Consider the case of the female black leopard that escaped from the Zurich Zoo in the winter of 1933. She was new to the zoo and seemed to get along with the male leopard. But various paw injuries hinted at matrimonial strife. Before any decision could be taken about what to do, she squeezed through a break in the roof bars of her cage and vanished...

    At times he gets agitated. It's nothing I say (I say very little). It's his own story that does it. Memory is an ocean and he bobs on its surface. I worry that he'll want to stop. But he wants to tell me his story. He goes on. After all these years, Richard Parker still preys on his mind. He's a sweet man. Every time I visit he prepares a South Ind...

    So you see, if you fall into a lion's pit, the reason the lion will tear you to pieces is not because it's hungry-be assured, zoo animals are amply fed-or because it's bloodthirsty, but because you've invaded its territory. As an aside, that is why a circus trainer must always enter the lion ring first, and in full sight of the lions. In doing so, ...

    It is interesting to note that the lion that is the most amenable to the circus trainer's tricks is the one with the lowest social standing in the pride, the omega animal. It has the most to gain from a close relationship with the super-alpha trainer. It is not only a matter of extra treats. A close relationship will also mean protection from the o...

    We are all born like Catholics, aren't we-in limbo, without religion, until some figure introduces us to God? After that meeting the matter ends for most of us. If there is a change, it is usually for the lesser rather than the greater; many people seem to lose God along life's way. That was not my case. The figure in question for me was an older s...

    First wonder goes deepest; wonder after that fits in the impression made by the first. I owe to Hinduism the original landscape of my religious imagination, those towns and rivers, battlefields and forests, holy mountains and deep seas where gods, saints, villains and ordinary people rub shoulders, and, in doing so, define who and why we are. I fir...

    Islam followed right behind, hardly a year later. I was fifteen years old and I was exploring my hometown. The Muslim quarter wasn't far from the zoo. A small, quiet neighbourhood with Arabic writing and crescent moons inscribed on the facades of the houses. came to Mullah Street. I had a peek at the Jamia Masjid, the Great Mosque, being careful to...

    I went to see him again. "What's your religion about?" I asked. His eyes lit up. "It is about the Beloved," he replied. I challenge anyone to understand Islam, its spirit, and not to love it. It is a beautiful religion of brotherhood and devotion. The mosque was truly an open construction, to God and to breeze. We sat cross-legged listening to the ...

    He was a Sufi, a Muslim mystic. He sought fana, union with God, and his relationship with God was personal and loving. "If you take two steps towards God," he used to tell me, "God runs to you!" He was a very plain-featured man, with nothing in his looks or in his dress that made memory cry hark. I'm not surprised I didn't see him the first time we...

    I am sitting in a downtown cafe, after, thinking. I have just spent most of an afternoon with him. Our encounters always leave me weary of the glum contentment that characterizes my life. What were those words he used that struck me? Ah, yes: "dry, yeastless factuality" "the better story". I take pen and paper out and write: Words of divine conscio...

    I can well imagine an atheist's last words: "White, white! L-L-Love! My God!"-and the deathbed leap of faith. Whereas the agnostic, if he stays true to his reasonable self, if he stays beholden to dry, yeastless factuality, might try to explain the warm light bathing him by saying, "Possibly a f-f-failing oxygenation of the b-b-brain," and, to the ...

    Alas the sense of community that a common faith brings to a people spelled trouble for me. In time, my religious doings went from the notice of those to whom it didn't matter and only amused, to that of those to whom it did matter-and they were not amused. "What is your son doing going to temple?" asked the priest. "Your son was seen in church cros...

    Ravi had a field day of it when he found out. "So, Swami Jesus, will you go on the hajj this year?" he said, bringing the palms of his hands together in front of his face in a reverent namaskar. "Does Mecca beckon?" He crossed himself. "Or will it be to Rome for your coronation as the next Pope Pius?" He drew in the air a Greek letter, making clear...

    And that wasn't the end of it. There are always those who take it upon themselves to defend God, as if Ultimate Reality, as if the sustaining frame of existence, were something weak and helpless. These people walk by a widow deformed by leprosy begging for a few paise, walk by children dressed in rags living in the street, and they think, "Business...

    A few days after the meeting on the esplanade, I took my courage into my hands and went to see Father at his office. "Father?" "Yes, Piscine." "I would like to be baptized and I would like a prayer rug." My words intruded slowly. He looked up from his papers after some seconds. "A what? What?" "I would like to pray outside without getting my pants ...

    Later that evening I overheard my parents speaking. "You said yes?" said Father. "I believe he asked you too. You referred him to me," replied Mother. "Did I?" "You did." "I had a very busy day..." "You're not busy now. You're quite comfortably unemployed by the looks of it. If you want to march into his room and pull the prayer rug from under his ...

    loved my prayer rug. Ordinary in quality though it was, it glowed with beauty in my eyes. I'm sorry I lost it. Wherever I laid it I felt special affection for the patch of ground beneath it and the immediate surroundings, which to me is a clear indication that it was a good prayer rug because it helped me remember that the earth is the creation of ...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

    "Not as much as I am." [Long silence] Mr. Chiba: "What do we do now?" Mr. Okamoto: "I don't know." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "Would you like a cookie?" Mr. Okamoto: "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you." Mr. Chiba: "Thank you." [Long silence] Mr. Okamoto: "It's a nice day." Pi Patel: "Yes. Smnny." [Long silence] Pi Patel: "...

  2. “Life of Pi” is a thought-provoking novel by Yann Martel that was first published in 2001. The narrative centers around a young Indian boy named Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel from Pondicherry, India, who has a keen interest in spirituality and metaphysics from a young age.

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  4. May 1, 2004 · Life of Pi. by. Yann Martel. Publication date. 2004-05-01. Publisher. Perfection Learning. Collection. internetarchivebooks; printdisabled.

  5. Mar 1, 2015 · This item does not appear to have any files that can be experienced on Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer. Show all files. Life Of Pi. Topics. Novel, Fiction, Literature. Collection. opensource_media. Prizewinner Novel.

  6. Sep 11, 2001 · Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure novel by Yann Martel published in 2001. The protagonist, Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel, a Tamil boy from Pondicherry, explores issues of spirituality and practicality from an early age. He survives 227 days after a shipwreck while stranded on a boat in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

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