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  1. Makeup, make-up, or make up? Use makeup for the noun and the adjective, but use make up for the verb. Makeup is a compound noun, and make up is a phrasal verb.

  2. In this post, I will compare makeup vs. make up. I will use each term in some example sentences, which will give you an idea how they should appear in context. I will also demonstrate how to use a mnemonic device that makes choosing make up or makeup a little easier.

  3. Makeup, make-up or make up. Makeup is 1.) cosmetics 2.) the composition of something 3.) in American English, a special test or assignment given to a student who has missed a test or assignment. Make up is used as a noun or an adjective.

  4. "Makeup" is a noun that refers to the products used to enhance or alter a person's appearance, while "make up" is a verb phrase that refers to the action of repairing a relationship or restoring something to its original state.

  5. Feb 18, 2023 · Short version: 'Makeup is a noun. It means either cosmetics, someone's personal constitution, etc. 'Make up' is a verb that means to invent something in your imagination, or do put something together, etc. There are more definitions below.

  6. Jan 11, 2021 · The test you make up is a make-up test. Be sure to put on your makeup before making up the make-up test. (When used as an adjective, make-up requires a hyphen.)

  7. “Make-up” refers specifically to cosmetics, while “makeup” can refer to anything from the overall appearance of something to the composition of a team or organization. When discussing cosmetics, it’s important to use the term “make-up” to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

  8. Jul 15, 2015 · TL;DR: Make-up is the noun used when describing cosmetics. Make up is the verb used when describing construction/creation or reconstruction. Makeup and make-up are both nouns, and mean the same thing. These two are a case of if hyphens should be used in compound words.

  9. Mar 28, 2024 · In order to understand the correct usage of ‘makeup’ and ‘make up,’ it is important to understand their respective roles in grammar. Both terms may seem similar at first glance, but they serve distinct functions in sentences. ‘Makeup’ operates as a noun, while ‘make up’ serves as a verb phrase.

  10. Jun 2, 2024 · The alternative spelling make-up is favored by the Oxford Dictionary and thus is often considered to be British, while makeup, being preferred by Merriam Webster's dictionary, is the generally accepted American spelling and the most common form currently in Google Ngrams.

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