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  1. There is evidence that Mozart wrote musical compositions, as there are letters from Wolfgang praising her work, but the voluminous correspondence of her father never mentions any of her compositions, and none have survived.

  2. Mar 27, 2011 · But we’ll never know what her composition sounds like, for it has been lost. Elizabeth Rusch is the author of the children’s book For the Love of Music: The Remarkable Story of Maria Anna ...

  3. Mar 13, 2023 · Top Image: Mozart’s sister Maria Anna and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with their father Leopold. Source: Royal Opera House Covent Garden / CC BY 2.0.

  4. Jan 10, 2022 · Maria Anna Mozart and her younger brother, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Picture: Alamy. Nannerl sent at least one composition to both her father and her brother as an adult, and Mozart wrote back praising the composition and encouraging her to write more.

  5. Gifted Austrian musician and sister of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Name variations: Marianne Mozart; also known as Nännerl or Nannerl. Born on July 30 or 31, 1751, in Salzburg, Austria; died on October 29, 1829, in Salzburg; daughter of Leopold Mozart (a violinist, composer, and theorist) and Anna Maria Mozart; married Johann Baptist Franz von ...

  6. Apr 8, 2021 · But we’re not talking about Wolfgang ... Wolfgang’s older sister Maria Anna Mozart (nicknamed ‘Nannerl’) went on tour with her brother and father and, playwright Sylvia Milo argues, she was actually the more talented sibling.

  7. Jul 20, 2023 · Diapason promotes the brilliant art of the composer Maria Anna (Nannerl) Mozart (1751-1829), sister of the genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791).

  8. Mar 15, 2021 · Fans of Maria Anna Mozart as a his­tor­i­cal fig­ure will lis­ten and won­der what could have been, and even those igno­rant of her can’t but wel­come these three addi­tion­al min­utes of Mozart into the world.

  9. Oct 19, 2017 · Imag­ine an eleven-year-old girl, per­form­ing the most dif­fi­cult sonatas and con­cer­tos of the great­est com­posers, on the harp­si­chord or fortepi­ano, with pre­ci­sion, with incred­i­ble light­ness, with impec­ca­ble taste. It was a source of won­der to many.

  10. Mozart’s first compositions. 4. In 1762, the year Maria Anna turned nine and Wolfgang six, their father Leopold decided to take his talented offspring on the road in search of fame, influence, and fortune. So they embarked upon an extraordinary European tour that lasted for three years.

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