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  1. Jan 8, 2016 · The Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) is a structured tool for a facilitated self-assessment of an organization's capacity followed by action planning for capacity improvements.

  2. The Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) tool is designed to measure the overall capacity of an organization. It assesses capability in five key areas: governance, organizational management, program management, human resources management, and financial management.

  3. The Core Capacity Assessment Tool (CCAT) and Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT), developed by TCC Group and McKinsey, respectively, are widely known, even if people have not used them. The iCAT, a new online tool produced by consulting firm Algorythm, is also becoming more widely known.

  4. This OCA tool provides organizations with a set of criteria to assess their current management capacity to implement quality health programs, to identify key areas that need strengthening. Although many capacity assessments exist, the structure and process of this tool distinguishes it from others.

  5. This introduction explains the intended use of this tool and highlights the five domains of organizational capacity assessed by the instrument. For each domain, we offer a brief synopsis of the research literature on effective practice followed by a series of capacity assessment questions.

  6. This handbook is intended to help development practitioners familiar with organizational assessments to understand the potential and use of Pact’s Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) tool. It is not meant as a detailed technical guide (for this, please see Appendix 8: Links to other materials). This document provides Pact

  7. This guide includes all the instructions, guidance, and tools: sample invitation letters, anonymous questionnaires, and tips for managing assessments to help a facilitator organize, implement, and complete the OCA process. Anonymous Staff and Board Questionnaires.

  8. This Organizational Capacity Assessment tool is designed to enable organizational learning, foster team sharing, and encourage reflective self-assessment within organizations.

  9. Jul 23, 2021 · The Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) is a structured tool for a facilitated self-assessment of an organization’s capacity followed by action planning for capacity improvements.

  10. CS:MAP has designed its Organizational Capacity Assessment process in order to ensure that it responds to critical partner priorities, establishes a clear practical and conceptual starting point for capacity

  11. This OCA tool provides organizations with a set of criteria to assess their current management capacity to implement quality health programs, to identify key areas that need strengthening. Although many capacity assessments exist, the structure and process of this tool distinguishes it from others.

  12. Apr 20, 2017 · The Pact Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) helps organizations assess their strengths and weaknesses, clarify their vision, plan for success, and ultimately take greater ownership over their future.

  13. This document provides an overview of how organisational capacity is understood and measured in a range of public sector and non-profit organisations, before exploring how culture and communication drive organisational performance and offering an initial outline of a diagnostic tool for organisational capacity.

  14. It explains the concept of capacity assessments, introduces the UNDP Capacity Assessment Methodology and how it can be used, , and addresses operational implications. . Both Practice Notes are available from

  15. and Organizational Capacity Assessment (ITOCA), both of which fall into the first category. Pact’s Organizational Performance Index (OPI), also used within MOMENTUM, is the first popular performance framework developed for the specific theory of change underlying Pact’s organizational capacity development work.

  16. The Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT) comprises a User Guide, Tool Worksheets for use in scoring and graphing results respectively, and a Recommendations Matrix. Assessment is done in six categories of organizational capacity, each with a series of criteria.

  17. The goal of this tool is to assist organizations in assessing the critical elements for effective organizational management, and identifying those areas that need strengthening or further development.

  18. The Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) is used by USAID officers and implementers to support organizational capacity development. This short training is therefore of interest to any officer directly engaging with local partners, or who oversees or supports capacity development programming.

  19. Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) was initially designed to measure overall capacity of organizations funded by President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) under the New Partners Initiative (NPI). This OCA tool provides organizations with a set of criteria to assess their

  20. The Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool can be utilized for the development of baseline and periodic capacity assessments of an organization, helping users to measure how an organization’s capacity changes over time.

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