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  2. Jun 21, 2016 · Ramsay Bolton has basically taken Joffrey Baratheon's place of most hated villain in Game of Thrones after the blond king's death. This is thanks to his raping Sansa on their wedding night and...

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    "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."

    ―Ramsay to Theon Greyjoy

    Lord Ramsay Bolton, born Ramsay Snow, was the legitimized bastard son of Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, and the unidentified wife of a miller.

    During the War of the Five Kings, Ramsay is initially loyal to King in the North Robb Stark, retaking Winterfell from Theon Greyjoy on his orders but at the same time sacking the castle as part of his father's scheme to betray House Stark. Following the successful capture of Winterfell from the Ironborn, Ramsay holds Theon captive and utilizes extreme torture to break him into loyal submission; renaming him "Reek." Following Robb's murder and the decimation of the Stark-loyal northern army at the Red Wedding, he follows his father in pledging allegiance to House Lannister and is legitimized as Ramsay Bolton. Through an arrangement orchestrated by Petyr Baelish, Ramsay is wed to Sansa Stark, who escapes from Winterfell along with Theon. Their escape drives Ramsay to murder his entire family on threat of being disinherited, he then becomes the new Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell, replacing his father. Ramsay's rule over the North, however, comes to an end when Jon Snow retakes Winterfell with army of Free Folk and Stark loyalists. Ramsay is subsequently executed for his crimes, rendering House Bolton extinct and restoring House Stark as the ruling family of the North.


    Ramsay Snow is Lord Roose Bolton's bastard son and the product of rape. Years ago, Roose discovered that a miller had wed without his permission. He had the miller hanged and violently raped his wife under the tree where the miller was hung. Ramsay was born shortly afterwards, and his mother brought him to the Dreadfort, his father's castle, for Roose to acknowledge as his son. Roose very nearly killed Ramsay and almost had his mother whipped, but relented upon realizing that the child was indeed his. Ramsay is Roose's only child, as well as the only possible heir to House Bolton until the birth of a child by Roose's new wife, Fat Walda Frey. He stays behind as castellan of the Dreadfort when his father left for the south to fight in the War of the Five Kings. Ramsay keeps a pack of dogs, which he employs for hunting. He is also in a relationship with the kennelmaster's daughter, Myranda; he claims that he planned to marry her before his father ultimately had him legitimized, but it is a questionable statement.

    Game of Thrones: Season 2

    After Winterfell is seized by Theon Greyjoy for the Ironborn, Ramsay is dispatched by his father Roose Bolton to re-take it in the name of King Robb Stark. Ramsay's forces besiege the castle and he infuriates Theon by blowing a horn all through the night. The following morning, Theon rallies his men to defend the castle, but he is betrayed and knocked out cold by his men, who accept Robb Stark's offer of mercy for the Ironborn garrison if they surrender and hand over Theon. However, the castle is sacked by Ramsay afterwards and instead of letting the Ironborn walk free, he flays them alive.

    Game of Thrones: Season 3

    Following the Sack of Winterfell, Ramsay and his men take Theon to the Dreadfort, where the Ironborn prince is subjected to gruesome tortures. Embarking on a twisted campaign of psychological manipulation, Ramsay poses as an Ironborn emissary of Theon's sister, Yara, and falsely claims to have been sent by her to liberate him. Ramsay sends a false report to Harrenhal, where the main force of the Northern army has established, of the sacking of Winterfell by the Ironborn, of the disappearance of Bran and Rickon Stark, and that the location of Theon Greyjoy is unknown. Later that evening Ramsay returns, and releases Theon, provides him with a horse and tells him to ride east to Deepwood Motte, where his sister is waiting for him. Theon's captors, however, track him down and capture him again. As punishment, their leader attempts to rape Theon. Ramsay appears and swiftly dispatches the kidnappers with bow and arrow, deepening the bond of trust between them. The leader calls Ramsay a "little bastard," hinting his true identity. Afterward, Ramsay promises Theon to take him to Deepwood Motte. Some time later the men reach a holdfast; Theon questions having to sneak inside since Yara's men are loyal to her. Ramsay warns Theon that some of the men belong to his father Balon. As the mysterious boy struggles to open a locked gate, Theon confesses his jealousy of Robb's status, the murder of the two boys he passed off as Bran and Rickon, and acknowledges that Eddard Stark was his true father. After opening the gate, Theon and Ramsay enter a darkened room. The young man lights a torch and Theon, much to his horror, realizes he is back in the torture chamber. They are soon joined by two men, who proceed to restrain Theon after Ramsay falsely claims he killed their comrades. Kicking and screaming, Theon is refastened to the rack, as Ramsay drops his facade, grins sadistically and tells the men to put Theon "back where he belongs." Ramsay awakens Theon with a horn to continue torturing him. He threatens to remove Theon's pinky finger if he cannot guess Ramsay's true identity and their current location. After several guesses, Ramsay tells Theon he is correct in guessing that Ramsay is Harrion Karstark, the brother of Torrhen Karstark and the son of Lord Rickard Karstark, and that they are in Karhold (Theon being unaware that both Rickard and Harrion are dead). However he then points out that Theon never asked if he was a liar. He admits that he was lying and that he's only torturing Theon for his own enjoyment, and begins flaying Theon's finger while his victim screams for him to cut it off. Theon is freed from his constraints by two young women, Myranda and Violet. They give him water and clean his wounds. Theon is apprehensive about their aid, until they disrobe and begin pleasuring him. The three are soon interrupted by Ramsay, who enters the chamber wielding a knife. After taunting Theon about his sexual prowess, he orders his men to restrain Theon and then removes Theon's penis. Ramsay admits that the rumors about Theon were true, and that he did have a "good-sized cock", motioning towards Theon's blood-stained, badly-sewn up britches before momentarily tricking him into believing that the pork sausage he is eating is his penis. Ramsay talks about amputees having phantom limbs and wonders if Theon will have a phantom penis, feeling an itch whenever he sees naked girls. When Theon begs to be killed, Ramsay states that he is no good to him dead. Ramsay decides to give Theon a new name, and beats him until he starts calling himself "Reek." Ramsay also sends a letter to Balon Greyjoy with a box containing Theon's penis. He threatens to send more of Theon's body parts and flay every Ironborn in the North alive if they have not left by the full moon.

    Jon Snow: "I've fought beyond the Wall against worse than Ramsay Bolton. I've defended the Wall from worse than Ramsay Bolton."

    Sansa Stark: "You don't know him."

    — Sansa Stark warns Jon Snow not to underestimate Ramsay.

    Ramsay is a genuine psychopath. He seems to be the personification of pure evil, with no redeemable qualities. He is dishonorable, manipulative, ruthless, an extreme sadist, sexually depraved, wild, and completely capable of committing unspeakable atrocities without remorse, simply for pure amusement. Ramsay fully admits—and indeed revels in the fact—that he tortures and kills innocent people for no reason whatsoever, and that they did not deserve what he did to them. His sadism far surpasses even Joffrey Baratheon's. While Joffrey was sadistic, he preferred a passive role, watching others be hurt for his amusement. Ramsay, on the other hand, relishes the thought of inflicting as much pain and degradation as possible.

    Whenever he has the advantage in a skirmish, Ramsay is fearless—almost a beast in human skin—reveling in the violence of personal combat. This is the polar opposite of Joffrey Baratheon's cowardice. Ramsay did not rave and rage, however, he had a perverse, playful, childlike giddiness as he inflicts pain on others, from flaying men alive, to hunting and killing girls for sport. This behavior, however, was not displayed when Jon Snow proposes that the two of them fight one-on-one rather than send thousands to their deaths to determine who holds sway over the North. Ramsay scoffs at the idea due to his initial numerical superiority, and also strikes anger in Jon and Sansa's hearts by having Smalljon Umber drop Shaggydog's head in front of them to display his power over them - both mentally and physically. Only when Jon and his allies breach Winterfell thanks to the arrival of the knights of the Vale, does Ramsay reconsider fighting one-on-one against him, choosing a bow and arrows as his weapon but only because he knew he would be quickly killed if he chose to attack the surrounding soldiers whereas he had a better chance of surviving by fighting Jon one-on-one.

    In his own twisted way Ramsay was quite intelligent, possessing a certain "low cunning" with which he tricked his enemies. He was particularly good at thinking on his feet, but reckless when it came to long-term consequences and intricate politics. Ramsay deeply enjoyed playing mind games with his enemies using psychological torture, often tricking them into trusting him only to then break his empty promises. A good display of Ramsay's deceitful nature was when while playing a "game" with Theon Greyjoy to guess where Theon was, who Ramsay was, and why Theon was being tortured, he allowed him to believe his guesses were correct until he pointed out that Theon "forgot to ask if he was a liar" and continued to flay his finger anyway. Another instance is using Rickon Stark as bait to "trap" Jon in the middle of the battlefield at the Battle of the Bastards, knowing that his caring nature would leave him defenseless to Bolton arrows. Another psychopathic feature Ramsay possesses is his ability to disguise his true nature. When the situation calls for it, such as his early encounters with Sansa or Theon, Ramsay hides his savagery beneath a veneer of charm. He can appear charismatic, well-mannered, even heroic, to those who do not know him. His act is convincing enough to keep his victims fooled until it is too late.

    Spoken by Ramsay

    Ramsay Snow: "I brought him back. He killed the others." Theon Greyjoy: "What?! No, I didn't! You can't! Please don't! Ahhh!" Ramsay Snow: "Put him back where he belongs." — Ramsay shows his true colors to Theon Greyjoy. Ramsay Snow: "Let's play a game: Which body part do you need the least?" Theon Greyjoy: "Please....." Ramsay Snow: ""Please" is not a body part." — Ramsay tortures Theon. Theon Greyjoy: "I'll tell you everything. Please....." Ramsay Snow: "But you've already told me everything. Your daddy was mean to you? The Starks didn't appreciate you? One good bit, though. The Stark boys, they're still alive. Wouldn't that be a hunt to remember? You failed, but I'm a better hunter than you." — Ramsay foreshadows the Boltons' betrayal by threatening to go after Bran and Rickon Stark. Ramsay Snow: "You've been wondering why you're here, haven't you? Where you are, who I am, why I'm doing this to you. So guess. If you guess right, I'll tell you, by the Old Gods and the New, I swear it. You win the game if you can figure out who I am and why I'm torturing you, and I win the game if you beg me to cut off your finger." Theon Greyjoy: "If I win, you'll let me go?" Ramsay Snow: "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." Theon Greyjoy: "Please....." Ramsay Snow: "You say "please" again, and you'll wish you hadn't." — Ramsay torments Theon. Ramsay Snow: "Where are we?" Theon Greyjoy: "The North?" Ramsay Snow: "Too vague." Theon Greyjoy: "Deepwood Motte!" Ramsay Snow: "(Laughing) Oh, terrible guess! (Cuts Theon's finger; Theon screams)" — Ramsay tortures Theon. Ramsay Snow: "Now where?" Theon Greyjoy: "Last Hearth!" Ramsay Snow: "Do I look like a fucking Umber to you?" — Ramsay to Theon after he incorrectly guesses they are at Last Hearth. Theon Greyjoy: "Karhold!" Ramsay Snow: "(Pauses) Karhold? How did you know that? Did you see any banners flying when we came in?" Theon Greyjoy: " was just a guess." Ramsay Snow: "Very good, Lord Theon." — Ramsay fools Theon into thinking they are at Karhold. Ramsay Snow: "Who am I?" Theon Greyjoy: "Torrhen Karstark?" Ramsay Snow: "(Feigning anger) He's dead. Strangled by the Kingslayer." Theon Greyjoy: "He was your brother. Your father is Lord Rickard Karstark. (Ramsay walks back to his chair) You swore to tell me!" Ramsay Snow: "You're right." Theon Greyjoy: "Lord Rickard Karstark is Robb Stark's bannerman. I betrayed Robb, that's why you're torturing me." — Ramsay poses as a Karstark. "This isn't happening to you for a reason. Well, one reason. I enjoy it." ―Ramsay to Theon as he flays his right pinky. "Everyone knows you love girls. I bet you always thought they loved you back. Your famous cock must be very precious to you. Would you say it's your most precious part?" ―Ramsay threatens to castrate Theon. Theon Greyjoy: "Please, mercy! Mercy!" Ramsay Snow: "This is mercy. I'm not killing you. Just making a few...alterations." — Ramsay castrates Theon. "Those girls weren't lying, you had a good sized cock. What? No...pork sausage. What, you think I'm some sort of savage?" ―Ramsay to Theon after believing that Ramsay is eating his cock. "People talk about phantom limbs. An amputee might have an itch where his foot used to be, so I've always wondered, do eunuchs have a phantom cock? The next time you think about naked girls, will you feel an itch? Sorry. I shouldn't make jokes. My mother taught me not to throw stones at cripples... but my father taught me, 'aim for their head'!" ―Ramsay mocks Theon after castrating him. "You don't look like Theon Greyjoy anymore. That's a name for a lord, but you're not a lord, are you? You're just meat. Stinking meat. (Sniffs him) You reek.....Reek! That's a good name for you!" ―Ramsay renames Theon "Reek." Ramsay Snow: "What's your name?" Theon Greyjoy: "(Looking angry) Theon Greyjoy. (Ramsay backhands him)" Ramsay Snow: "What is your name?" Theon Greyjoy: "(Smirking) Theon Greyjoy. (Ramsay punches him)" — Ramsay and Theon Ramsay Snow: "WHAT...IS...YOUR...NAME!?" Theon Greyjoy: " Reek." — Ramsay and Theon "Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands and Invader of the North. I give you until the full moon to order all Ironborn scum out of the North and back to those shit-stained rocks you call home. On the first night of the full moon, I will hunt down every islander still in our lands and flay them living the way I flayed the twenty Ironborn scum I found at Winterfell. In the box you'll find a special gift: Theon's favorite toy. He cried when I took it away from him. Leave the North now or more boxes will follow with more Theon. Signed, Ramsay Snow, natural-born son of Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort and Warden of the North." ―Ramsay's letter to Balon Greyjoy "If you make it out of the woods, you win!" ―Ramsay to Tansy "Rip her! Rip her! Rip her!" ―Ramsay orders his hounds to maul Tansy to death. Ramsay Snow: "We've been flaying our enemies for a thousand years; the flayed man is on our banners!" Roose Bolton: "My banners, not yours. You're not a Bolton, you're a Snow." — Ramsay and his father Roose Bolton Yara Greyjoy: "Give me my brother and no more of your men will die." Ramsay Snow: "You've got bigger balls than he ever did. And with those big balls of yours, how fast can you run?" — Yara Greyjoy and Ramsay Snow "Kraken. Hmm, strong, as long as they're in the sea. When you take them out of the bones, they collapse under their proud weight and slump into a heap of nothing. You'd think they'd know that. Unfortunately they're not very bright." ―Ramsay to Theon about the Ironborn. "Remember what you are, and what you're not. Bring me Moat Cailin." ―Ramsay to Theon Ramsay Snow: "You didn't really think I'd let them go, did you? It's fallen out of fashion, flaying. Sad, but true. But traditions are important. Where are we without our history, eh?" Theon Greyjoy: "Yes, my lord. Will we go home now?" Ramsay Snow: "I believe we will, but to our new home." — Ramsay and Theon after they recapture Moat Cailin. Roose Bolton: "Now tell me, what is your name?" Ramsay Bolton: "(Annoyed) Ramsay Snow." Roose Bolton: "No, not Ramsay Snow. (Hands him a legitimization decree) From this day until your last day, you are Ramsay Bolton, son of Roose Bolton, Warden of the North." Ramsay Bolton: "You honor me. I swear I will uphold your name, and your tradition. I'll be worthy of you, father. I promise." — Lord Roose Bolton and Ramsay "Jealousy bores me. You remember what happens to people who bore me." ―Ramsay to Myranda "You smell particularly ripe this evening." ―Ramsay to Theon "My lady, we are all a family, we Northerners. Our blood ties go back thousands of years, so I'd like to drink to our wedding. May our happiness spread from Moat Cailin to the Last Hearth." ―Ramsay to Sansa Ramsay Bolton: "I heard you two had been reunited. A fitting place for it. I'd like to imagine that the last time you spoke was in this very room. Are you still angry with him? After he......what he did? Don't worry. The North remembers. I punished him for it. He's not Ironborn anymore, not Theon Greyjoy anymore. He's a new man. A new person, anyway. Aren't you, Reek?" Theon Greyjoy: "Yes, master." Ramsay Bolton: "That's his new name. "Reek."" — Ramsay taunts Sansa and Theon. Ramsay Bolton: "And if it's a boy?" Roose Bolton: "You're worried about your position." Ramsay Bolton: "My position is quite clear. I'm your son until a better alternative comes along." — Ramsay and Roose "Do I need to ask a second time? I hate asking a second time." ―Ramsay to Sansa as she hesitates to take off her clothes. "You've known Sansa since she was a girl. Now watch her become a woman." ―Ramsay to Reek as he forces himself onto Sansa Stark. Ramsay Bolton: "I'm Lord Bolton's eldest son." Sansa Stark: "But you're a bastard, a trueborn will always have the stronger claim." Ramsay Bolton: "I've been naturalized by a royal decree from..." Sansa Stark: "Tommen Baratheon? Another bastard?" — Sansa antagonizes Ramsay by reminding him of his baseborn origins. "Bastards can rise high in the world, like your half-brother Jon Snow. Born the Bastard of Winterfell, now the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. You didn't know? Yes, he's done very well for himself." ―Ramsay defends his bastard-born status by citing Jon Snow as an example. Ramsay Bolton: "Stannis isn't from the North. You are, father. I think you're missing an opportunity to show the people of the North how House Bolton treats southern invaders." Roose Bolton: "And what do you recommend?" Ramsay Bolton: "That we not sit and wait for Stannis to decide what sort of fight this is going to be. That we hit fast, and hit hard, and leave a feast for the crows." Roose Bolton: "A smart commander does not abandon a defensive advantage. As long as we stay behind these walls, they can't touch us. Not to mention the snow is so deep, we couldn't get an army through to engage them even if we wanted to." Ramsay Bolton: "I don't need an army. I need 20 good men." — Ramsay makes his case for a preemptive attack on Stannis Baratheon. Roose Bolton: "Jon Snow's a bastard, not a Stark." Ramsay Bolton: "So was I, father." — Ramsay's paranoia of Jon Snow. Ramsay Bolton: "Castle Black isn't defended on the South side. The few men left are barely men at all. Farmboys and thieves. With a small force, we could storm the castle, kill Jon Snow...." Roose Bolton: "Murder the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch!? You'd unite every House in the North against us!" — Ramsay's paranoia of Jon Snow. "I am Lord Bolton." ―Ramsay declares himself as his father's successor. "I prefer being an only child." ―Ramsay to Lady Walda before setting his dogs on her and her child. "Welcome home, Lord Stark." ―Ramsay sarcastically welcomes Rickon Stark home. "To the traitor and bastard Jon Snow. You allowed thousands of wildlings past the Wall. You have betrayed your own kind and you've betrayed the North. Winterfell is mine, bastard, come and see. Your brother Rickon is in my dungeon. His direwolf's skin is on my floor, come and see. I want my bride back. Send her to me, bastard, and I will not trouble you or your wildling lovers. Keep her from me and I will ride North to slaughter every wildling—man, woman, and babe—living under your protection. You will watch as I skin them living. You will watch as my soldiers take turns raping your sister. You will watch as my dogs devour your wild little brother. Then I will spoon your eyes from their sockets and let my dogs do the rest. Come and see." ―Ramsay in his letter to Jon Snow. Ramsay Bolton: "Thank you for returning Lady Bolton safely. Now dismount and kneel before me. Surrender your army and proclaim me the true Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. I will pardon you for deserting the Night's Watch, I will pardon these treasonous Lords for betraying my House. Come, bastard. You don't have the men, you don't have the horses, and you don't have Winterfell. Why lead those poor souls into slaughter? There's no need for a battle. Get off your horse and kneel. I am a man of mercy." Jon Snow: "You're right. There's no need for a battle. Thousands of men don't need to die. Only one of us. Let's end this the old way. You against me." Ramsay Bolton: "[Chuckles] I keep hearing stories about you, bastard. The way people in the North talk about you, you're the greatest swordsman who ever walked. Maybe you are that good, maybe not. I don't know if I'd beat you, but I know that my army will beat yours. I have six thousand men, you have....what, half that? Not even?" Jon Snow: "Aye, you have the numbers. Will your men want to fight for you when they hear you wouldn't fight for them?" Ramsay Bolton: "(To Sansa, pointing at Jon) He's good. Very good." — Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton on the day before the Battle of the Bastards. Ramsay Bolton: "Tell me, will you let your little brother die because you're too proud to surrender?" Sansa Stark: "How do we know you have him?" Ramsay Bolton: "(Nods to Smalljon Umber, who tosses out Shaggydog's severed head.) Now if you want to save..." Sansa Stark: "You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well." — Sansa rebuffs Ramsay's attempt to force her surrender. "She's a fine woman, your sister. I look forward to having her back in my bed. And you're all fine-looking men. My dogs are desperate to meet you. I haven't fed them in seven days. They're ravenous! I wonder which parts they'll try first. Your eyes? Yours balls? We'll find out soon enough. Until the morning then, bastard." ―Ramsay to Jon and his commanders. "You suggested one-on-one combat, didn't you? I've reconsidered. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea." ―Ramsay to Jon Snow, just before they fight. Ramsay Bolton: "Sansa? Hello, Sansa. Is this where I'll be staying now? No, our time together is about to come to an end. That's all right. You can't kill me, I'm part of you now." Sansa Stark: "Your words will disappear. Your house will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear." — Sansa rebuffs a defeated Ramsay. Ramsay Bolton: "My hounds will never harm me." Sansa Stark: "You haven't fed them in seven days, you said it yourself." Ramsay Bolton: "They're loyal beasts." Sansa Stark: "They were. Now they're starving." Ramsay Bolton: "(An alpha hound stares hungrily at him) Sit down! Down! Down! Down! Down!" — Ramsay's final words as he is devoured by his own hounds.

    Spoken about Ramsay

    "Let me send word to my bastard at the Dreadfort. He can raise a few men and retake Winterfell before the new moon." ―Roose Bolton "My boy would be honored to bring you Prince Theon's head." ―Roose Bolton to Robb Stark "I will kill that man. I don't care how many arrows they feather me with, how many spears they run through me, I will kill that horn-blowing cunt before I fall!" ―Theon Greyjoy "I will kill that man! I swear to the Drowned God, the Old Gods, the New Gods, to every fucking God in every fucking Heaven, I will kill that man!" ―Theon Greyjoy "And whoever kills that fucking horn-blower will stand in bronze on the shores of Pyke!" ―Theon to his men. "You little bastard!" ―The master torturer's final words before being killed by Ramsay. "Ramsay delivered the terms. The Ironborn turned on Theon as we know they would. They handed him over trussed and hooded. But Ramsay... well, Ramsay has his own way of doing things..." ―Roose Bolton, revealing that after Ramsay promised the twenty Ironborn in Winterfell safe passage, he flayed them all alive anyway. "Don't you want to chase the rats out of your home?" ―Melisandre attempts to persuade Jon Snow to help Stannis Baratheon defeat Roose and Ramsay. "I will skin him and his bastard like that wretch on their bloody sigil!" ―Cersei Lannister vows to have Roose and Ramsay flayed after learning they have Sansa Stark. Theon Greyjoy: "Do what he says! Do what he says or he'll hurt you!" Sansa Stark: "He already hurts me every night! All day I'm locked in this room and every night he comes! It can't be any worse!" Theon Greyjoy: "It can. It can always be worse." — Theon and Sansa talk about Ramsay. "I know what Ramsay is. I know what he'll do to me. If I'm going to die, let it happen while there's still some of me left." ―Sansa stands her ground when confronted with the prospect of waiting for Ramsay to return from battle. "Dying? Who said anything about dying? You can't die. Your father was Warden of the North, and Ramsay needs you. But I suppose he doesn't need all of you. Just the parts he needs to make his heir, until you've given him a boy or two and he's finished using them. Then, he's got incredible plans for those parts." ―Myranda to Sansa about what Ramsay needs her for. "If you acquire a reputation as a mad dog, you'll be treated as a mad dog...taken out back and slaughtered for pig feed." ―Roose Bolton to Ramsay "A monster has taken our home, and our brother." ―Sansa to Jon Snow "Did you know about Ramsay? If you didn't know, you're an idiot. If you did know, you're my enemy. Would you like to hear about our wedding night? He never hurt my face. He needed my face, the face of Ned Stark's daughter. But the rest of me, he did what he liked with the rest of me as long as I could still give him an heir. What do you think he did?" ―Sansa to Petyr Baelish "Ramsay Bolton cannot be allowed to keep Winterfell, my lady. It is our duty to stop him, even more so because he holds our brother Rickon Stark as his prisoner." ―Jon Snow to Lyanna Mormont Tormund: "Did you really think that cunt would fight you man to man?" Jon Snow: "No, but I wanted to make him angry." — Tormund and Jon Snow about Ramsay. "You've known him for the space of a single conversation, you and your trusted advisors, and you sit around making your plans on how to defeat a man you don't know? I lived with him, I know the way his mind works, I know how he likes to hurt people. Did it ever once occur to you that I might have some insight?" ―Sansa Stark to Jon Snow about Ramsay. Sansa Stark: "You think he's going to fall into your trap? He won't. He's the one who lays traps." Jon Snow: "He's overconfident." Sansa Stark: "He plays with people. He's far better at it than you. He's been doing it all his life." — Sansa Stark and Jon Snow about Ramsay. Jon Snow: "I've fought beyond the Wall against worse than Ramsay Bolton. I've defended the Wall from worse than Ramsay Bolton." Sansa Stark: "You don't know him!" — Jon Snow and Sansa Stark discuss Ramsay. Sansa Stark: "If Ramsay wins, I'm not going back there alive. Do you understand me?" Jon Snow: "I won't ever let him touch you again. I'll protect you, I promise." — Jon Snow promises to protect Sansa from Ramsay.

    Iwan Rheon's character was announced and then credited only as "Boy" in order to keep his true identity as Ramsay Snow a secret until "Mhysa." The only clue as to his identity was the manner in which Theon is fastened to the rack while Ramsay tortures him, identical to the symbol of House Bolton, representing a flayed man in an X-shape. Even though Ramsay did not appear prominently until A Dance with Dragons (he appears in A Clash of Kings, but disguised as a servant, Reek, until the final chapters), book readers would know immediately after dropping his façade in the TV series who he truly was. His posing as a servant boy to "help" Theon is an apparent nod to his "Reek" persona from A Clash of Kings.

    During casting for Season 1, Rheon originally auditioned for the role of Jon Snow, but lost to Kit Harrington. Throughout the series, particularly A Dance with Dragons, Ramsay is portrayed as Jon's foil in many ways, given that Jon and Ramsay are both bastards of Northern noble families (Stark and Bolton, respectively), and are each other's polar opposites, as well as the Boltons once again becoming the sworn enemies of the Starks after the Red Wedding. On Jon and Ramsay's rivalry, Rheon claims, "Jon and Ramsay are literally the opposite to each other, you know. Jon's very noble and honorable, and Ramsay's none of those things."

    During development of "Battle of the Bastards", Ramsay was originally meant to have his showdown with Jon (and be killed personally by him) in the midst of the battle itself, though David Benioff and D. B. Weiss thought it more appropriate for them to face off inside the Winterfell courtyard, since the battle was effectively between the Starks and Boltons for Winterfell itself. While shooting Jon and Ramsay's fight scene, Rheon was actually struck twice by Harington by accident: Harington first hit Rheon in the chin with a shield, and later punched him across the face. Though Rheon was not seriously hurt, Harington reportedly bought him a pint of beer as a sign of apology. In real life, despite having been seen onscreen together in only one episode of the entire series, Rheon and Harington are close friends. After the episode aired, Rheon admitted in an interview that since being cast as Ramsay, he had wanted to shoot a scene with Jon Snow, who Rheon cited as Ramsay's antithesis, while Harington praised Rheon's work on the series.

    In the trailer for the fourth season, while shooting the sex scene between Ramsay and Myranda, Myranda is shown striking Ramsay as well as strangling him, but the striking was cut, and in a "Behind the scenes" video of the sixth season, Jon is shown double-axe-handling Ramsay as well as punching him, which was also cut.

    In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Ramsay Snow is Roose Bolton's bastard son. He is an ugly man which even splendorous garb cannot disguise. He is big boned and slope shouldered, with a fleshiness to him that suggests that later in life he will turn to fat. Ramsay is a sadistic sociopath and serial rapist and murderer. He is cruel, savage and wild, taking delight in torturing others. He is quite fond of the old Bolton custom of flaying their enemies alive.

    Roose only acknowledged Ramsay in his teenage years, thus Ramsay spent a rough youth in poverty as the bastard son of a poor miller's widow, until he somehow found out about his parentage and insisted on claiming his "rights." The result is that—in contrast with Jon Snow, the bastard of Winterfell—Ramsay is a crude, almost half-feral savage who is uneducated and knows nothing about courtly behavior. When Ramsay does send (dictated) letters to his enemies, they are often extremely crass, unstructured, and blunt, laced with profanity and taunting threats, and with pieces of human skin enclosed. While the letter Ramsay sends to Balon in the Season 3 finale of the TV series is not present in the books, it closely matches his "writing style" from the novels.

    One day, Ramsay’s mother appeared at Dreadfort to demand that Roose provide her a servant for Ramsay, who was growing up wild and unruly. He gave her one of his servants known as "Reek" for his stench. It was meant to be a cruel joke, but Reek and Ramsay became inseparable, and committed together savage atrocities. Roose himself has no idea if it was Ramsay who corrupted Reek, or the other way around.

    Ironically, Ramsay actually somewhat seems to like his mother, and speaks highly of her—she is after all the one who convinced him to go to the Dreadfort to pursue his "rights", though she also found him wild and unruly. Moreover, Ramsay has actually convinced himself that Roose fell in love with his mother at first sight, and thinks of their union as a poetic romance. In reality, Roose raped the miller's wife on a whim, under the very tree he had her husband hanged from, and afterwards was casually disappointed that raping her wasn't as physically pleasurable as he'd thought it would be.

    One of Ramsay's most monstrous hobbies is to have young women stripped naked and released into the Bolton forests, before hunting them with a pack of female feral dogs, that are deliberately trained to be vicious and mean-tempered. If the women do not give him good sport in the hunt, he punishes them by raping them, then flaying them alive. If the women give him good sport in the hunt, however, he will grant them the mercy of a quick death...after raping them first. He then flays their corpses. He names new female hunting dogs after the women who gave him the most enjoyable hunts before he killed them, as a warped way to "honor" them. The skins of his kills are brought back with him to the Dreadfort as gruesome trophies. The bodies of the women are fed to his dogs.

    Ramsay is introduced in ​A Clash of Kings​, though his appearance in the TV series was pushed back until the third season. He is first mentioned by Lady Donella Hornwood who notes that he is massing troops at the Dreadfort. She sends him a message inquiring about his intentions, and he rudely answers that it is none of her business.

    •– "The Old Gods and the New" (mentioned)

    •– "Dark Wings, Dark Words"

    •– "Walk of Punishment"

    •– "And Now His Watch Is Ended"

    •– "The Climb"

    •– "The Bear and the Maiden Fair"

  3. Ramsay Bolton, previously known as Ramsay Snow, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

  4. Copyright Game of Thrones - HBO 2016

    • 4 min
    • 2.5M
    • bdr_
  5. Jun 20, 2016 · Battle of the Bastards ,” the ninth episode of Game of Thrones ‘ sixth season, saw the long-awaited showdown between Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton finally take place, culminating in Ramsay’s...

    • 45 sec
    • Megan McCluskey
  6. Jun 20, 2016 · Finally, Ramsay Bolton is dead on Game of Thrones. He'll never torture our beloved characters ever again. Ramsay said that he likes games, but we all know that he only likes games that he has...

  7. Jun 20, 2016 · Ramsay Bolton is dead at last. After nearly four seasons of committing some of the series’ most horrific acts, the monstrous Warden of the North finally met his long-awaited — and fittingly...

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