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  1. Great memorable quotes and script exchanges from the The Emperor's New Clothes movie on

  2. Three of the best book quotes from The Emperors New Clothes. “He had an outfit for every hour of the day”. “the most marvelous cloth...invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office or unforgivably stupid”. “Many, many years ago there was an emperor who was so terribly fond of beautiful new clothes that he spent all his money on his ...

  3. 10 quotes from The Emperor's New Clothes: An Interstellar Heist (Royce Ree 1-5): ‘Our gods, said the Warlord, favor men that smile before they die. You...

  4. Taking advantage of the emperor's extreme love for new and newer clothing as a symbol of his wealth, the fake tailors get him to hire them to make clothes (in time for the wedding) that are invisible to all who are either unfit for their position, or very stupid.

  5. The quote by The Emperor's New Clothes, "Truth is the most powerful weapon against tyranny," highlights the immense strength and influence of truth in challenging and overthrowing oppressive regimes. Tyranny thrives on misinformation, manipulation, and the suppression of dissenting voices.

  6. The Emperor's New Clothes (1987) - * The Emperor: [the Emperor doesn't want to be overdressed] I don't want to blind them, I just want them to blink a little.

  7. Important Quotes. “He cared nothing about reviewing his soldiers, going to the theater, or going for a ride in his carriage, except to show off his new clothes.”. The emperor is characterized as a vain ruler who neglects the ordinary responsibilities associated with ruling a kingdom.

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