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  1. Proteus mirabilis është një lloj bakteri, përfaqësuesit e se cilit janë në formë shkopinjsh, të cilat sipas Gramit mund të ngjyrosen në ngjyrë të kuqe (gramnegativ). Ky bakter i përket familjes së Enterobacteriaceae, në llojin Proteus .

  2. Pseudomonadota (synonym Proteobacteria) is a major phylum of Gram-negative bacteria. Currently, they are considered the predominant phylum within the realm of bacteria. They are naturally found as pathogenic and free-living (non-parasitic) genera.

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  4. › wiki › BakteriBakteri - Wikipedia

    Bakteret (në latinisht Bacteria) janë mikroorganizma njëqelizorë zakonisht një mikrometër të gjatë, dhe kanë një gamë të gjerë të formave: koke, cilindrike, spiralet. Një qelizë bakteriale kryen të gjitha funksionet që e karakterizojnë jetën. Bakteret jetojnë kudo në tokë, në ujë, në ajër, në organizmin e shtazëve ...

  5. Dec 24, 2022 · The Proteobacteria are a major group (phylum) of bacteria. They include a wide variety of pathogens, such as Escherichia, Salmonella, Vibrio, Helicobacter, and many other notable genera. Others are free-living, and include many of the bacteria responsible for nitrogen fixation.

  6. The Proteobacteria, formerly known as “purple bacteria and relatives,” are characterized by a bewildering diversity of morphological and physiological types: besides rods and cocci, curved, spiral, ring-shaped, appendaged, filamentous and sheathed bacteria occur among this phylum.

  7. Summary. Proteobacteria is a phylum of gram-negative bacteria discovered by Carl Woese in the 1980s based on nucleotide sequence homology. Proteobacteria are further classified into the classes alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta- and epsilonproteobacteria, each class having separate orders, families, genera, and species.

  8. Nov 2, 2017 · In humans, Proteobacteria are present in various body sites, such as skin, oral cavity, and tongue and vaginal tract other than in the human gut and stool [ 19 ]. Aim of this paper is to review the latest findings regarding the role of Proteobacteria members in intestinal, but also extraintestinal diseases.

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