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  2. Alfonso III was the king of Asturias from 866 to 910, son of Ordoño I. Winning a contested succession, he moved his capital forward from Oviedo to the recently restored Roman city of León. Under him, Porto (Oporto) was occupied in 868, and Castile took shape around Burgos, drawing on his Basque.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  3. Succession to the British throne is determined by descent, sex, legitimacy, and religion. Under common law, the Crown is inherited by a sovereign's children or by a childless sovereign's nearest collateral line.

  4. Apr 23, 2018 · Cheeky Prince George is third in line to the throne, just under his father, Prince William, on the British royal family tree.

  5. Princess Charlotte - third in line to the throne. The princess is now third in line, but there was a time when her younger sibling, Prince Louis, would have jumped ahead of her.

  6. The Prince Regent became George IV and Victoria was third in line to the throne after her uncles, the Duke of York and Duke of Clarence (the future William IV). She would ultimately take the throne as Queen Victoria in 1837.

  7. Feb 6, 2024 · She is third in line to the throne, after her father and older brother, and is known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Wales.

  8. Undeterred by this, and following the 1461 seizure of the throne by the Yorkist King Edward IV (1461–1483) from the Lancastrian King Henry VI (1422–1461), the Tudors claimed precedence to the Yorks the last of whom, King Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.

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