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  2. Tarot practice exercises are amazing for beginners to learn tarot intuitively. Not only are they fun, but they allow you to work with your cards in different and unique ways to really get to know them on a personal level.

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      To help you learn the numbers in tarot, I'd recommend...

  3. Here’s what you’ll discover inside Tarot 101: What Tarot really is (and how to confidently talk about it) How to choose a Tarot deck you instantly connect with; What to ask the cards (and what NOT to) How to quickly read any Tarot card, no memorization required; How to get clear, accurate guidance from the cards, every time

  4. Mar 10, 2023 · Doing a tarot reading can help you connect with your intuition and find answers that lie within about everything from love and relationships to life path. There's no right or wrong way to pull cards , but following a few best practices can help you get the most out of every reading.

  5. Easy and powerful spread examples that you can start using right away; Learn Tarot in 3 Easy Steps: Watch 10 bite-sized lessons to quickly learn how to read the cards; Practice and apply your new skills with fun activities at the end of each lesson; Download your Tarot 101 resources PDF to use as a reference anytime you need

    • Overview
    • Get Familiar with the Tarot
    • Tarot Spreads
    • Prepare Your Deck and Your Space
    • Perform Your Reading
    • Cleansing & Storage

    All the steps of tarot reading, from studying the deck to choosing a spread

    For hundreds of years, people have turned to the wisdom of the tarot for insight, guidance, and divination. This powerful practice may seem mystical or hard to understand, but it’s completely accessible to you with a bit of time and practice! Reading tarot cards takes a combination of knowledge and intuition that anyone can develop. If you want to get started on your tarot journey, you’ve come to the right place. Follow the steps below to hone your abilities as a tarot card reader, so that you can offer insight to those who seek it, or perform a reading for yourself.

    This article is based on an interview with our spiritual advisor and reiki master, Emily Christensen, founder of Rainbow Raaja.

    Check out the full interview here.

    Start by getting familiar with the tarot deck and the individual meanings of each of the cards. This may take some time, so be patient with yourself!

    Pick a tarot spread for your reading. You could try a simple Yes/No reading, a 3-card Past/Present/Future spread, or a more complex spread, like the Celtic Cross.

    First, pick a deck that speaks to you.

    One of the most widely used and most widely taught is the Rider-Waite Tarot, which is a great option for your first tarot deck. Still, it's important that a tarot deck speaks to you specifically, so take your time to look through different options so you can find the best deck for you.

    The Modern Witch Tarot Deck

    is an option that features modern and contemporary artwork based on the original tarot imagery.

    The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot Deck

    , which includes illustrations based on the classic movie, and the

    Start with a Yes/No reading.

    A yes or no reading is also a great way to get into tarot as a beginner. This type of reading involves asking the tarot one question and drawing a single card for a yes or no answer. Make sure to choose a question that can be answered with a “yes” or a “no,” and only ask a single question at a time. [6] If the question is too vague or requires a longer explanation, the yes or no tarot reading might not be the right choice, and you might want to try another tarot spread instead. Here are some examples of yes/no tarot questions:

    “Am I on the right spiritual path?”

    “Is there a good energy surrounding my current relationship?”

    “Is there a positive change coming my way financially?”

    Try a basic 3-card spread.

    Pick a space with the right vibes.

    Whether you’re performing a reading for yourself or for someone else, it’s important to choose the right physical setting. Pick a comfortable space where you can sit with a table in front of you to lay out your cards. To set the scene, you could light a candle, lay out some crystals, or burn some incense to cleanse the space of any outside energies.

    Once you’ve created the perfect vibes for your tarot reading, it’s time to get started!

    Pick a question to guide your reading.

    Asking a question that’s too specific or narrow might not leave enough room for the tarot to provide a thorough answer. Open-ended questions allow the tarot room to provide in-depth insights into the situation and the energies surrounding it. Here are some examples:

    What can I do to invite more love into my life?

    Draw and lay out the cards in the spread of your choice.

    Once you’ve got your question in mind and you’ve shuffled your cards, it’s time to draw cards and arrange them in a spread. The decision of what spread to use is entirely up to you, but some spreads are better suited to answer certain types of questions.

    For example, if you have a simple question, a Yes/No reading could be the right way to go. If you have a more complex question, like “Why do I feel unhappy in love,” a Past/Present/Future reading might be the best choice.

    Tarot spreads can be helpful tools to guide a reading, but you don’t need to use one every time.

    Sometimes, you might feel pulled to lay out the cards in a different way. When this happens, listen to your intuition and place them in the way that feels right.

    Tarot doesn’t need to follow a rigid set of rules—it can be creative and fun, too!

    To get rid of negative energy,

    There are many ways to do this, but a simple way involves calling on one of the four elements. When using this method, begin by fanning the deck; if extreme cleansing is needed, the cards can be cleared one at a time.

    Bury your protected deck in sand, salt or dirt for 24 hours. Or, fan your deck on a tablecloth and sprinkle it with salt, sand, or any combination of basil, lavender, rosemary, sage or thyme for 1-2 minutes.

    Sprinkle your cards lightly with water, herbal tea or a plant infusion and wipe immediately, or expose your deck to moonlight in a protected area for half the night.

    Taking care not to burn yourself, pass your deck quickly through a candle flame. You can also expose your deck to sunlight in a protected area for half a day.

    Pass your deck five to seven times over burning incense. Or, breathe deeply and slowly onto your deck 3 times.

  6. Easy and powerful spread examples that you can start using right away; Learn Tarot in 3 Easy Steps: Watch 10 bite-sized lessons to quickly learn how to read the cards; Practice and apply your new skills with fun activities at the end of each lesson; Download your Tarot 101 resources PDF to use as a reference anytime you need

  7. Jul 24, 2021 · Here's everything you need to know about reading tarot cards, from choosing your first deck to simple spreads. Plus, learn how to work with the major and minor arcana to help provide life...

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