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  2. Jun 9, 2022 · ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) is the sixth best university in the world, according to the 2020 edition of the QS World University Rankings ®. It continues ETH Zurich’s proud record of being the best university in Switzerland.

  3. ETH Zurich is ranked #33 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. Read more about how we rank...

  4. The university, commonly known as Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich or Poly for short, has based its success on Swiss traditions of cherishing fundamental principles of freedom, individual responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit and open-minded approach to education.

    • Rising and Hold­Ing Steady
    • Switzer­land Ranks Among The World’S Top 3
    • ETH Zurich Qs sub­ject Rank­Ings For The Past Three Years

    In ad­di­tion to the top-​ranked sub­jects, 69 per­cent either in­creased or held steady in the sub­ject rank­ings. These broad top­ical areas in­creased their stand­ing: En­gin­eer­ing - Mech­an­ical, Aero­naut­ical and Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Eco­nom­ics and Eco­no­met­rics, Ac­count­ing and Fin­ance, En­gin­eer­ing - Elec­trical and Elec­tronic, En­g...

    ETH Zurich also achieved high marks in cer­tain sub­jects. Earth and Mar­ine Sci­ences, for in­stance, earned a per­fect score for Aca­demic Repu­ta­tion. Geo­phys­ics earned high marks for Em­ployer Repu­ta­tion. Fi­nally, So­cial Policy and Ad­min­is­tra­tion and En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences earned high marks for Re­search Cita­tions. The uni­ver­s...

    Note: An equal sign ( = ) in­dic­ates that the po­s­i­tion holds a shared rank with an­other in­sti­tu­tion.

  5. Ranked seventh in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2019, ETH Zurich's track record of scientific excellence is exemplified by the fact it's produced 21 Nobel laureates, including Albert Einstein. Learn more about the institute here.

  6. › wiki › ETH_ZurichETH Zurich - Wikipedia

    ETH Zurich is ranked among the top universities in the world. Typically, popular rankings place the institution as the best university in continental Europe and ETH Zurich is consistently ranked among the top 1–5 universities in Europe, and among the top 3–10 best universities of the world.

  7. Sep 27, 2023 · Ranked among the best universities in the world, ETH Zurich once again takes a top position in 11th place out of the 1,904 institutions measured in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2024.

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