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  1. Sep 27, 2019 · Those services, which are often called ecosystem services, include providing resources such as food and water, maintaining habitats that support biodiversity, offering opportunities for recreation, and helping to regulate human-caused impacts like climate change.

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    Wildlife is important to the heritage, culture, and heart of America, and we want to preserve it as a legacy for our children. Although you cannot put a value on all the ways the natural world enriches our lives, there are many tangible benefits to living in a world with strong and healthy ecosystems. We have a stronger economy, diverse food produc...

    The value of nature to people has long been recognized, but in recent years, the concept of ecosystem services has been developed to describe these various benefits. An ecosystem service is any positive benefit that wildlife or ecosystems provide to people. The benefits can be direct or indirectsmall or large.

    The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), a major UN-sponsored effort to analyze the impact of human actions on ecosystems and human well-being, identified four major categories of ecosystem services: provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services.

    Provisioning Services: When people are asked to identify a service provided by nature, most think of food. Fruits, vegetables, trees, fish, and livestock are available to us as direct products of ecosystems. A provisioning service is any type of benefit to people that can be extracted from nature. Along with food, other types of provisioning servic...

    Regulating Services: Ecosystems provide many of the basic services that make life possible for people. Plants clean air and filter water, bacteria decompose wastes, bees pollinate flowers, and tree roots hold soil in place to prevent erosion. All these processes work together to make ecosystems clean, sustainable, functional, and resilient to chang...

    Cultural Services: As we interact and alter nature, the natural world has in turn altered us. It has guided our cultural, intellectual, and social development by being a constant force present in our lives. The importance of ecosystems to the human mind can be traced back to the beginning of mankind with ancient civilizations drawing pictures of an...

    Wetlands are one of the most threatened ecosystems in the United States. We have lost more than 50 percent of wetlands in the contiguous United States. Just a quick overview of some of the services provided by wetlands shows how important they are to people and why we should work to protect and restore them.

    Many of the fish we rely on for food spend at least part of their life cycle in wetland habitats. Wetlands retain and control flood waters. Wetland plants absorb nutrients and chemicals from the water, and they act as a natural filtration system. Wetland plants and soils store large amounts of carbon that, if released, would contribute to climate c...

    Precious Heritage. Adams, J.S., L.S. Kutner and B.A. Stein, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

  2. Jan 3, 2023 · Ecosystem services are defined as the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-being, and have an impact on our survival and quality of life. There are four types of ecosystem services : provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services.

    • Freshwater supply: nurturing life's thirst. Freshwater supply is an essential ecosystem service that nurtures life's thirst and sustains the wellbeing of all species.
    • Food production: harvesting nature's bounty. Food production, driven by the collaborative efforts of farmers, ranchers, and fishers, enables us to harvest nature's bountiful offerings and sustain our global food supply.
    • Climate regulation: nature's cooling system. One of nature's most vital ecosystem services is climate regulation. This service refers to the natural processes that regulate the climate on Earth.
    • Water regulation: balancing nature. Water regulation is an essential ecosystem service that involves balancing and managing water flow in natural systems.
  3. Regulating services include carbon sequestration (contributing to climate change mitigation) as well as waste treatment and disease regulation and buffer zones. Supporting services of coastal ecosystems include nutrient cycling, biologically mediated habitats and primary production.

  4. Feb 8, 2021 · Today, after acquiring Community Composting’s clients, Impact Earth serves about 3,000 residential customers in neighborhoods across Monroe County through curbside pickup and drop-off locations.

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  6. Our Mission is to reduce single-use consumption and divert materials from the landfill through: education, access to products and services, and creation of policy and processes. Industry Affiliations. Our vision is to build a future where communities thrive within a new circular economic model where all people, resources, and the planet are valued.

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