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    What does the Bible say about Sorrows?
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  2. For the Lord will not cast off forever, but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love; for he does not afflict from his heart or grieve the children of men.

    • Does God Feel Sorrow?
    • What Does The Bible Say About Godly Sorrow?
    • The Difference Between Worldly Sorrow and Godly Sorrow
    • Some Marks of Godly Sorrow
    • A Prayer For Godly Sorrow

    Some believe a perfect God would not have emotions. But within the pages of the Bible are some verses that seem to confirm otherwise. It’s important to note here that God’s ways are not ours. So though He may experience emotions, He is not led or swayed by them as we are. Being firm and unchanging in character and purpose, yet capable of a wide ran...

    In Scripture, godly sorrow is connected to both regret for sin and a desire to turn away from it. In the Old Testament, for instance, King David admitted his sinfulness and the distress he felt because of it. And in every case, he sought grace and healing from the Lord. One of the most powerful examples of this kind of sorrow is in the Gospel accou...

    Worldly sorrow is a temporary reaction to bad behavior. It may be a strong feeling but often arises more out of embarrassment or fear than a true awareness of sin. And the worldly version of sorrow often fades before any real change happens, leading a person right back into old habits. Godly sorrow goes deeper and leads to a conviction in the spiri...

    True godly sorrow is founded on the Lord. In order to feel it, then, we first have to know what pleases God. The Bible lays out His standard for us, as well as His Laws. And any success we have in this area is because of God, who provides the renewal, growth, and strength our spirits need. Prayer connects us with The One who is our all-in-all. In 2...

    Father, You are gracious and full of mercy. I come to you now, repenting for the sin(s) that have held me captive. Lord, so many times I told You I was sorry for what I’d done, but I wasn’t yet moved with godly sorrow and returned to the same sin(s). Today, true godly sorrow leads me to repentance. I know I need to change my behavior and desire to ...

    • John 16:22. 22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.
    • Philippians 4:13. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
    • Revelation 21:4. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
    • Romans 8:18. 18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
  3. Let the following 7 Bible verses about sorrow bring peace to your mind: A Time for Sorrow: “A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance” (Ecclesiastes 3:4).

  4. Nov 19, 2011 · The “beginning of sorrows” was spoken of by Jesus in the Bible and refers to the time just preceding the “great tribulation.” The tribulation will be a time of plowing up wickedness in preparation for the coming of the Lord Jesus as He ushers in the Millennium reign of Christ.

  5. Aug 30, 2024 · We've compiled a list of 20 Bible verses about grief to bring peace and comfort to the sorrowful heart. May you feel the presence of God and find renewed strength in your time of need.

  6. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. 21 When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. 22 So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will ...

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