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  1. Oct 13, 2022 · Terms to Remember. advocacy-- influence; individuals or interest groups speak out in an attempt to influence others. association-- groups of companies or institutions that organize around a common set of concerns, often within a given industry or trade. contract lobbyist-- lobbyist who works for a contract lobbying firm that represents clients ...

  2. 5 The New Republic Hereditary Monarchy rests on the idea that instead of all people having equal natural rights, a particular person has many more rights than everybody else, perhaps through some type of divine selection. Kingship is also based on dynastic succession, in which the monarch’s child or other relative inherits the throne.

  3. Hey, Jovani! Technically, it describes all of them in different ways. Federalist No. 10 advocates a participatory democracy to elect representatives. These representatives then make laws through an elite democracy. Generally, however, these representatives stick to party lines, making it partially a pluralist democracy that Federalist No. 10 ...

  4. In foreign affairs they were pro-British, while the Jeffersonians were pro-French. The members of the Federalist party were mostly wealthy merchants, big property owners in the North, and conservative small farmers and businessmen. Geographically, they were concentrated in New England, with a strong element in the Middle Atlantic states.

  5. Apr 28, 2022 · Best Answer. Historians suggest the Federalists received much support from the Congregationalists and the Episcopalians. In addition, bankers and businessman also supported the Federalists as well ...

  6. For Federalist 10, identify why Madison believes that the Constitution provides for a form of government that will control factionalism and fulfill the will of the people. Federalist 51 addresses how democracies can form appropriate checks and balances and advocates for a separation of powers within the national government.

  7. Jan 10, 2002 · The Federalist Number 49. The author of the “Notes on the state of Virginia,” quoted in the last paper, has subjoined to that valuable work, the draught of a constitution which had been prepared in order to be laid before a convention expected to be called in 1783, by the legislature, for the establishment of a constitution for that ...

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