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  1. Façade. Playabl AI, Java, C++. Developed by Andrew Stern and Michael Mateas, Façade pioneered the combination of advanced conversational AI and procedural story.

  2. May 23, 2024 · Façade is a free AI game in which the player has to solve the marital issues of a couple, Grace and Trip. Responses are entirely up to the player as the software features a powerful reactive AI. This factor allows you to type in whatever you want to say.

  3. Jul 27, 2020 · How to Download and Install Facade (2020 UPDATE) OldThinkerTube (a.k.a. The Thunk) Subscribe here: / @oldthinkertube Start at Playabl Studios:

  4. Jan 22, 2021 · Based off of first-hand reviews and a Norton report, it is safe to download Façade from Softpedia. go to first. then scroll down and click download for windows 10.

  5. Façade. Navigate an AI-driven narrative to save a marriage with humor and strategic dialogue choices. Direct download.

  6. Nov 9, 2006 · Download Facade 1.1b - This is an artificial intelligence-based experiment in electronic narrative. Enjoy!

  7. Facade (Façade) is an interactive, first-person experience, where you'll take on the role of a dinner guest at the house of two friends. These friends are a couple that, after their wedding and honeymoon, seem to be going through a rough patch.

  8. Lots of requests for how to download and install Façade, so posting again and will pin it.

  9. Façade is an independent testing-ground game released for free on the PC and Mac by Procedural Arts LLC. At the time, it was a groundbreaking step into developing a procedural interactive story with the ability to dynamically interact with the characters by typing what you want to say to the characters word for word.

  10. Facade is an interactive single-player that puts you in the middle of a troubled marriage where you become an unexpected arbitrator. Simulator fans and problem solvers will greatly enjoy this...

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