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  1. Nov 17, 2022 · Pre-Election Preview Current Partisan Breakdown of State Governors. Governor is a statewide elected office in all 50 states and serves as the chief executive officer of a state. Currently, Republicans hold governorships in 28 states compared to Democrats’ 22 governorships. States with Gubernatorial Elections in 2022

  2. Dec 6, 2023 · Elections Daily Rating: Toss-Up The other major toss-up gubernatorial election is the open race in the perpetually purple state of North Carolina. Departing Democratic Governor Roy Cooper is hoping to hand over the reins to Attorney General Josh Stein, and while Cooper was able to get the party to line up behind Stein , they weren’t able to ...

  3. The nation’s governors are nearly evenly split between the two parties, with 27 Republicans and 23 Democrats holding office as of January 8, 2024. Eleven states will hold gubernatorial elections in 2024. The three-part map lets you view the current governors by party, make a forecast for the 2024 gubernatorial elections, and see the 2025 map ...

  4. 12:54 a.m. Eastern: Preliminary results became available in Seattle, Washington's city council elections. Seattle uses a vote-by-mail process. Races have not yet been called, as ballots are still being counted. The 2019 races had seen a record-breaking $4.3 million in satellite spending through November 1.

  5. Nov 17, 2022 · The percentage of women serving in state legislatures just keeps going up. Before the election, women represented just over 30% of the 7,383 legislators nationwide; post-election, they make up 31.9% of the total, now at 7,386 after redistricting. Women in the Nevada House and Senate will hold 38 seats, 60% of the total 63 seats.

  6. After that election, lieutenant governorships trended Republican until the 2018 elections, with the party reaching a high of 32 lieutenant governorships to Democrats' 13 in 2015 and 2016. In 2018 , Democrats and Republicans each won 15 of the 30 seats up for election, narrowing the gap in seats but keeping the Republican lead in place.

  7. 36 Governor Seats to be contested. There will be 36 gubernatorial elections in 2018. These races will have national implications with the next Census coming in 2020. In most states, the legislature redraws congressional districts, while the governor has veto power. Republicans currently hold 33 governorships, one shy of the historic high set ...

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