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  1. May 12, 2024 · Friday the 13th (1980) (Max, Hulu) We end with a surprise, but the classic slasher film “Friday the 13th” may be the ultimate Mother’s Day movie when you think about it. The opening salvo from Mama Voorhies has long held a place in the heart of horror fans. In this tale of motherly love, camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an ...

  2. Mother's Day (1980) was Charles Kaufman's foray into horror film making. The story is about three girls who grew up and went to school together. They decide to go out on a camping trip in upstate New York. But they pick the wrong day yo go up because they run into a crazy mother and her two retarded children.

  3. Oct 8, 2012 · Mother's Day is about a family of crazies who are running from the law after a bank robbery went wrong...

  4. May 5, 2022 · Hilarious mother-daughter comedies like “ Freaky Friday ” and “ Mean Girls ” will have you all in stitches (plus, both movies are getting modern reboots). If the kids are all grown up, it ...

  5. Hi, I'm an ape that made a few of the GME Trailers over the past year. Given all the chaos that's coming our way, I thought a few of you might appreciate a 15 minute HYPE Trailer to pass the time.

  6. Encore is widely talked about, but there is another Mother remake that has made great progress, and it is also looking quite impressive. In contrast to the Encore, this project is trying to be a faithful remake, which some people might prefer. (Though I will of course play both when they come out).

  7. Apr 21, 2015 · Mother’s Day for 2/3rd’s of its running time is excellent with great pacing, plenty of intrigue, quality acting & tons of violence. That final 3rd though is such a massive disappointment. I just kept thinking that it should have ended 30/40 minutes earlier; that all the plot twists ended up doing was make a mess.

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