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  1. The history of Japan dates back to the Paleolithic period, around 38-39,000 years ago, [ 1] with the first human inhabitants being the Jōmon people, who were hunter-gatherers. [ 2] The Yayoi people migrated to Japan around the 3rd century BCE, [ 3] introducing iron technology and agriculture, leading to rapid population growth and ultimately ...

  2. Mar 19, 2015 · Alongside the seemingly neverending tide of tragedy developed one of the world's great civilizations and cultures.The following dates are a few of the milestones of Japanese history that stand out in one way or another. 35,000 BC. First humans to migrate to Japan. 14,000 BC. First pottery, start of the Jomon Period.

  3. Jun 9, 2017 · The first historical period of Japan is the Jomon Period which covers c. 14,500 to c. 300 BCE (although both the start and end dates for this period are disputed). The period's name derives from the distinctive pottery produced at that time, the oldest vessels in the world, which has simple rope-like decoration or jomon.

  4. Much of the archipelago came under Spanish rule, creating the first unified political structure known as the Philippines. Spanish colonial rule saw the introduction of Christianity, the code of law, and the oldest modern university in Asia. The Philippines was ruled under the Mexico-based Viceroyalty of New Spain.

  5. 1333 - 1336. The Kenmu Restoration when the Japanese emperor Go-Daigo uses rebel warlords to oust the Kamakura Shogunate. 1333 - 1573. The Muromachi period of medieval Japan . 1333. The position of deputy shogun (kanrei) is created in Japan . 1336. Ashikaga Takauji captures Heiankyo (Kyoto). 1337 - 1392.

  6. Historically considered the most stable and peaceful period in Japan's premodern history, the Tokugawa Period—also known as the Edo Period, after the city in which the shōgun had his capital—began with Tokugawa Ieyasu’s victory in 1600 over Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s forces at the Battle of Sekigahara, and the consolidation of political power around the Tokugawa clan and its daimyō

  7. Oct 11, 2022 · The Edo Period refers to the years from 1603 until 1868 when the Tokugawa family ruled Japan. The era is named after the city of Edo, modern-day Tokyo, where the Tokugawa shogunate had its government. It is also sometimes referred to as the early modern period because it was at this time that many of the characteristics of modern Japanese ...

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