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  1. Overview. Richard Nixon was elected president in 1968, a tumultuous year that witnessed the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, as well as the splintering of the Democratic Party. Nixon’s presidential campaign sought to appeal to what it deemed the “silent majority,” those middle-class white Americans who ...

  2. Stand Up for America. The George Wallace 1968 presidential campaign began February 8, 1968, when former Alabama Governor was nominated for the presidency of the United States by the American Independent Party. United States Air Force general Curtis LeMay was nominated as his running mate. Wallace ran on a platform of law and order, states ...

  3. Dec 4, 2018 · George Wallace and his wife Cornelia, holding up a newspaper indicating his victories in the May 16 Maryland and Michigan Democratic Presidential primaries, now paralyzed from the waist down by ...

  4. May 31, 2024 · Muskie then withdrew from the campaign. On May 15, as Wallace campaigned in Maryland, a state he was expected to win, he was shot four times by 21-year-old Arthur Bremer. Wallace survived, but he was paralyzed from the waist down. Maryland’s voters surged out on election day to give Wallace a huge victory, his last of 1972.

  5. George Wallace and the American Independent Party, 1968 View item information In this footage from a November 4, 1968 rally in Atlanta (one day before the 1968 presidential election), candidate George Wallace responds to protestors, discusses the two-party perception of Southern “redneck” voters, and promises a shift away from federal ...

  6. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13, 1968. PREAMBLE. A sense of destiny pervades the creation and adoption of this first Platform of the American Independent Party, a Platform personifying the ideals, hopes, aspirations and proposals for action of the Party and its candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United States, George C. Wallace and ...

  7. Monday, September 14, 1998; Page A1. George C. Wallace, 79, the four-time governor of Alabama and four-time candidate for president of the United States who became known as the embodiment of ...

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