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  1. Abraham Lincoln’s papers were acquired by gifts, transfers, deposits, purchases, and reproductions during the years 1901-2013. The Lincoln Papers came to the Library of Congress from Lincoln's oldest son, Robert Todd Lincoln (1843-1926), who arranged for their organization and care shortly after his father was assassinated on April 14, 1865.

  2. Oct 5, 2017 · Robert Todd Lincoln was the eldest of Abraham and Mary Lincoln’s four sons. A 17-year-old student at Harvard when the Civil War began, he spent the majority of the war years at college. Much to the embarrassment of the president, his mother refused to allow him to enlist.

  3. Robert Todd Lincoln (August 1, 1843 – July 26, 1926) was the first son of Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd. Born in Springfield, Illinois, United States. He was the only one of President Lincoln’s four sons to die in old age. Early Life. Robert Lincoln graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy, then studied at Harvard University from 1861 to 1864 ...

  4. Mar 27, 2012 · University Press Books for Public and Secondary Schools, 2013 edition Book of the Year by the Illinois State historical Society, 2013 Although he was Abraham and Mary Lincoln’s oldest and last surviving son, the details of Robert T. Lincoln’s life are misunderstood by some and unknown to many others.

  5. Jun 19, 2020 · Giant in the Shadows: The Life of Robert T. Lincoln. United States: Southern Illinois University Press, 2012. Goff, John S. Robert Todd Lincoln: A Man in His Own Right. University of Oklahoma Press, 1968. Jett, Philip. “Robert Todd Lincoln – Blessed and Cursed”. The History Reader. St. Martin’s Press. 7 August, 2018.

  6. Robert Todd Lincoln’s wife, Mary Eunice Harlan, was the daughter of the US Senator James Harlan and his wife Ann Eliza Peck. After Lincoln had returned from his military service, he met Mary sometime in 1864 and began courting her soon after. Both of his parents approved of the match and helped him with the courtship.

  7. ROBERT TODD LINCOLN. Like his famous father, Robert Todd Lincoln was also an early patron of the State Library and gives us some of the most detailed descriptions of the Library room. Robert himself used the library on many occasions, borrowing 29 books during 1858 and 1859 alone. His library reading included the works of Charles Dickens, Sir ...

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