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  1. Dec 2, 2008 · It takes more than muttering "gobble gobble" to attract a turkey into shooting range. Hunters master all kinds of calls to lure prey. How do they make these sounds?

  2. Transmissions determine the revolutions of the propellers, much like the transmission transfers the engine RPM into manageable speeds to power the rear wheels in our cars. Modern cruise ships use either gas turbine or diesel electric engines as their power source for propulsion, as well as for the ship's systems.

  3. To achieve the longest flying time possible, a wingsuit flyer must raise his head and look forward, while also bending at the hips, stretching the wings and pushing down against the wind. In this, the flyer achieves as much surface area as possible and creates more lift.

  4. Jul 14, 2010 · At the end of the race, will you be able to pull away from the other runners and finish first? To increase your speed, incorporate strides into your training.

  5. Jun 30, 2011 · Just looking at that sign might make you want to get behind the wheel. Before you head for the open road, get your kicks by reading How Road Trips Work.

  6. You may not think about life jackets until you find yourself overboard and far from shore. How do life jackets keep people afloat, and why does it take only a few pounds of buoyancy to do it?

  7. Jul 14, 2010 · Running is often a lonely sport, but it doesn't have to be. How do you find the right group of fitness-minded people to make the miles fly by?

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