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  1. The Life of St. Augustine (354-430 AD): St. Cyril of Alexandria and St. Augustine of Hippo were contemporaries, and while they did not personally meet, their lives and writings influenced each other. Augustine’s theological ideas, such as original sin and just war theory, left a lasting impact on the development of Christianity.

  2. Mar 28, 2008 · The patristic understanding of the Incarnation owes more to Cyril of Alexandria than to any other individual theologian. The classic picture of Christ the God-man, as it is delineated in the formulae of the Church from the Council of Chalcedon onwards, and as it has been presented to the heart in liturgies and hymns, is the picture Cyril persuaded Christians was the true, the only credible ...

  3. The Sacrament of MarriageIn order to help couples prepare for the celebration of a life long marriage commitment, the Catholic Church requires all engaged couples to participate in a process of instruction and formation. The following are procedures which will help couples prepare for their marriage celebration at St. Cyril of Alexandria.

  4. Jan 18, 2023 · St Cyril was the nephew of Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria, who educated him from his youth. He succeeded to his uncle’s position in 412, but was deposed through the intrigues of the Nestorian heretics. He later resumed his See, however. St Cyril presided at the Third Ecumenical Council in 431, which censured the Nestorian blasphemy ...

  5. Jun 27, 2013 · St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, one of the metropolitan sees of the Christian Church in the east, was one of the great defenders of the faith against the heresy of Nestorius who denied the ...

  6. Cyril of Alexandria, Saint, Doctor of the Church, has his feast in the Western Church on the 28th of January; in the Greek Mena it is found on the 9th of June, and (together with St. Athanasius) on the 18th of January. He seems to have been of an Alexandrian family, and was the son of the brother of Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria; if he is ...

  7. Saint Cyril decided to open the council and not to wait until John of Antioch arrived in Ephesus for the following reasons: a. He had already waited for 16 days and many of the bishops became sick. Many old bishops died because of the hot weather of Ephesus and the limited facilities of the city.

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