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  1. Aug 1, 2024 · It was originally envisioned as a utopian residential community set within a large green space. Eusebi Güell, a wealthy industrialist, hired Gaudí to bring this vision to life. Gaudí dedicated 14 years to the project, but after Güell's death in 1914, his heirs decided to halt construction since not a single house had been sold.

  2. Eusebi Güell Bacigalupi was the main patron of Antoni Gaudí's work, and one of his best friends. So we believe it is important to learn about the beginning and some of the basic characteristics of this relationship between two people who were different, yet, at the same time, similar-the relationship between Eusebi Güell and Antoni Gaudí.

  3. When Eusebi Güell tasked his good friend Antoni Gaudí with the design and construction of the church he said, word by word, do as you please. He set no limits or barriers, neither in the budget nor in how the construction had to be done, and, as would be seen eventually, not even in the timeframe to build the church .

  4. Eusebi Güell i Bacigalupi (1846-1918), fill de Joan Güell fou un industrial i mecenes de la cultura que millorà la posició econòmica de la família. Associat a Ferran Alsina convertí el 1890 la fàbrica familiar en una colònia situada fora de la ciutat, a Santa Coloma de Cervelló.

  5. La Federació Catalana de Futbol (FCF), entitat fundada l'any 1900, s'encarrega de planificar, promoure, ordenar, dirigir, regular, coordinar i organitzar el futbol en totes les seves disciplines a Catalunya.

  6. Apr 19, 2021 · The name of Güell is associated with many Modernista monuments of Barcelona and the surrounding area, most often in connection with the architect Antoni Gaudí.The reason being that Eusebi Güell (1846-1918) was the man who gave Gaudí his first architectural commissions, and sponsored much of the architect’s early work.

  7. La relació entre l'industrial Eusebi Güell i l'arquitecte Antoni Gaudí es va iniciar quan Güell va veure a l’Exposició Universal de París de 1878 una vitrina que havia projectat Gaudí per al comerciant de guants Esteve Comella. Aquell mateix any, Güell li va encarregar el mobiliari de la capella panteó del palau de Sobrellano a ...

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