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  1. Louis XVI, who belonged to the Royal House of Bourbon, became King of France in 1774 when his grandfather Louis XV died. Louis XVI father was the next in line to the French throne but he died in 1765. In 1770, at the age of fifteen, Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette, the fourteen year old daughter of the Emperor and Empress of Austria.

  2. On January 21st 1793, the former king was carted to the guillotine and decapitated. The trial and execution of Louis XVI caused a sensation across France and around the world. Kings had been assassinated, overthrown and toppled by military defeat – but for a reigning monarch to be tried and executed in public by his own people was almost ...

  3. Sep 20, 2022 · On 20 April 1792, King Louis XVI of France (r. 1774-1792) stood before the Legislative Assembly and, with a faltering voice, read a declaration of war against Austria, to the ecstatic delight of the gathered deputies. This declaration sealed his own fate, the fates of the Girondins who pushed for it, and catapulted Europe into 23 years of ...

  4. On January 20, 1793, the National Convention condemned Louis XVI to death, his execution scheduled for the next day. Louis spent that evening saying goodbye to his wife and children. The following day dawned cold and wet. Louis arose at five. At eight o'clock a guard of 1,200 horsemen arrived to escort the former king on a two-hour carriage ...

  5. May 18, 2018 · LOUIS XVI. LOUIS XVI (1754–1793), ruled as king of France, 1774–1792. Louis-Auguste, duc de Berry, the third son of the dauphin, Louis (1729–1765), and Marie-Josèphe of Saxony, was born at Versailles on 23 August 1754. He never expected to be king, but the high childhood mortality of the age that had bedeviled the Bourbon successions ...

  6. Jan 11, 2023 · Thus perished, by the hands of ruthless rebels, Louis XVI, King of France and Navarre, born 23 August 1754, in the 39th year of his age, on 21 January 1793, at 22 minutes after 10 o’clock in the ...

  7. Resumen de la biografía de Luis XVI. Nombre de nacimiento: Louis Auguste de France ( Luis Augusto de Francia ). Nacimiento: 23 de agosto de 1754, Palacio de Versalles, Francia. Fallecimiento: 21 de enero de 1793, Plaza de la Revolución, París, Francia. Murió a los 38 años de edad, decapitado en la guillotina en el marco de la Revolución ...

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