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  1. More Currencies. The Armenian Dram, which is the official currency of Armenina, has the ISO 4217 Code of AMD. The corresponding ISO-4217 Code Number for AMD is 51. The AMD ISO code has a currency exponent of 2. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international standard setting body of representatives from several ...

  2. 13. java.util.Currency.getInstance supports only ISO 4217 currency codes, not currency numbers. However, you can retrieve all currencies using the getAvailableCurrencies method, and then search for the one with code 840 by comparing the result of the getNumericCode method. Like this: public static Currency getCurrencyInstance(int numericCode) {.

  3. › ja › ISO_4217ISO 4217 - Wikiwand

    ISO 4217 は、1978年に 国際標準化機構 (ISO)が発行した 国際規格 で、各種の 通貨 を表すコードについて規定している。. 一般に 通貨コード と呼ばれる。. ISO 4217コードが使用されている航空券の例。. 左下の航空券の価格は、通貨記号 € ではなくISO 4217 ...

  4. Abstract. ISO 4217:2008 specifies the structure for a three-letter alphabetic code and an equivalent three-digit numeric code for the representation of currencies and funds. For those currencies having minor units, it also shows the decimal relationship between such units and the currency itself. ISO 4217:2008 also establishes procedures for a ...

  5. ISO 4217:2015(E) Introduction There is a need for a universally applicable code for the identification of currencies. This International Standard is the worldwide recognized multi-industry standard on currency codes based on the list of country names obtained from the United Nations as described in ISO 3166-1. The ISO 4217 lists of codes

  6. › wiki › ISO_currency_codeISO 4217 -

    The first two letters of the code are the two letters of the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes (which are also used as the basis for national top-level domains on the Internet) and

  7. SO 4217 I Cedo Nmat se Ui n ya l ps Di m Dsei cal y a mr oFl t pas Di ahp Al c Nmui r e r o Mj a r on Mi e nRl bua i ssu r a l Be BRY 479 e l bu r 0 r a l Del oz i l Be DBZ 480 r a l l od t nec 2 ## , # ## . # r a l nDal omi r dBue BM D 060 r a l l od t nec

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