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  1. A bit like hybrid apples, the philosopher’s version of moral extensionism comes in many varieties, a feature both a great strength and an Achilles’ heel. 1 Broadly, it’s the view that while our traditional concepts of rights, moral standing, and moral considerability were intended for human beings, it may be possible to extend some or all ...

  2. Ethical questions around whether crustaceans, such as lobsters, are sentient and can experience pain, are a topic of much debate. The ethics of uncertain sentience refers to questions surrounding the treatment of and moral obligations towards individuals whose sentience—the capacity to subjectively sense and feel—and resulting ability to experience pain is uncertain; the topic has been ...

  3. a philosophy of environmental ethics that distances itself from "shallow" or mainstream environmentalism by arguing for a deeper ecologically-informed view of the world dominion thesis arising from the book of Genesis, the dominion thesis states that humans are the pinnacle of creation; such as, humans are granted ethical free rein to use ...

  4. Apr 11, 2024 · Ethical Business Practices. In business, ethical use involves ensuring that intellectual property rights are respected in commercial transactions. This includes fair licensing agreements, avoiding infringement, and promoting ethical standards in industries heavily relying on intellectual property. Global Collaboration and Cultural Sensitivity

  5. Oct 22, 2013 · Ethical extensionism generally involves drawing one or more lines of moral standing. I argue (i) for all living organisms, there is a non-zero probability of sentience and consciousness, and (ii) we cannot justify excluding beings from consideration on the basis of uncertainty of their sentience, etc., and rather we should incorporate this ...

  6. Oct 30, 2019 · Environmental ethics is an enormous field of inquiry that can be subdivided in a number of ways, many of which will overlap historically, thematically, or with respect to specific issues. It is also worth noting that some anthologies that would at an earlier time have been included under the broad header of Western Perspectives now more ...

  7. Dec 23, 2023 · bizadmin December 23, 2023. Ethics in the workplace refers to the principles and standards governing behavior within a professional environment. It’s not merely about adhering to laws and regulations, but also about cultivating a culture rooted in integrity, respect, and fairness. Ethical conduct in the workplace goes beyond mere compliance ...