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  1. Biographical Outline. Queasy: At 18, Berlioz is pressured by his physician father to attend medical school. He tries it but recoils at the “hideous corpses, the screams of patients, the groans and rattling breath of the dying!”. By 1826 he starts studies at the Paris Conservatoire de Musique. Third time is the charm, 1830: On his third ...

  2. Mar 7, 2019 · 10 reasons why we love Hector Berlioz. Curmudgeonly, spirited, romantic, ultimately tragic and a fan of the ridiculous - on the 150th anniversary of his death, it's time to get excited about Hector Berlioz. 1. He was probably too obsessed with Shakespeare.

  3. 엑토르 베를리오즈 ( 프랑스어: Hector Berlioz, 1803년 12월 11일 ~ 1869년 3월 8일 )는 프랑스 의 후기 낭만주의 작곡가다. 1830년 에 발표한 《 환상 교향곡 》으로 유명해졌다. 베를리오즈는 "표제 음악" (Program music)이라는 새로운 극적인 관현악곡 스타일을 창시했다 ...

  4. Hector Berlioz. Hijo de un reputado médico de Grenoble, fue precisamente su padre quien le transmitió su amor a la música. Por su consejo, el joven Hector aprendió a tocar la flauta y la guitarra y a componer pequeñas piezas para diferentes conjuntos. Sin embargo, no era la música la carrera a la que le destinaba su progenitor; y así, en ...

  5. The French romantic composer Hector Berlioz produced significant musical and literary works. Berlioz composed mainly in the genres of opera, symphonies, choral pieces and songs. As well as these, Berlioz also produced several works that fit into hybrid genres, such as the "dramatic symphony" Roméo et Juliette and Harold in Italy, a symphony ...

  6. Louis Hector Berlioz (11. joulukuuta 1803 La Côte-Saint-André, Ranska – 8. maaliskuuta 1869 Pariisi, Ranska) oli ranskalainen säveltäjä, kapellimestari ja musiikkikirjailija. Hänen tunnetuimpia teoksiaan ovat Fantastinen sinfonia ( Symphonie fantastique , 1830), Romeo ja Julia ( Roméo et Juliette 1839) sekä Faustin tuomio ( La ...

  7. Symphonie fantastique: Épisode de la vie d'un artiste … en cinq parties ( English: Fantastic Symphony: Episode in the Life of an Artist … in Five Sections) Op. 14, is a programmatic symphony written by Hector Berlioz in 1830. The first performance was at the Paris Conservatoire on 5 December 1830. Berlioz wrote semi-autobiographical ...

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