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  1. Johan August Strindberg, a Swede, wrote psychological realism of noted novels and plays, including Miss Julie (1888) and The Dance of Death (1901). Joh...

  2. Johan August Strindberg (Estocolmo, 22 de enero de 1849-Estocolmo, 14 de mayo de 1912) fue un escritor y dramaturgo sueco.Considerado como uno de los escritores más importantes de Suecia y reconocido en el mundo principalmente por sus obras de teatro, se le considera el renovador del teatro sueco y precursor o antecedente del teatro de la crueldad y teatro del absurdo.

  3. August Strindberg was born at Stockholm, Sweden, on January 22, 1849. His father was a small tradesman, who had lost his business just before August was born, but who had the energy and ability to start all over again as a steam-ship agent, making a decided success of his second venture.

  4. Plays by August Strindberg, First Series August Strindberg 339 downloads; Contemporary One-Act Plays 261 downloads; Plays: the Father; Countess Julie; the Outlaw; the Stronger August Strindberg 190 downloads

  5. August StrindbergBORN: 1849, Stockholm, SwedenDIED: 1912, Stockholm, SwedenNATIONALITY: SwedishGENRE: Drama, fiction, nonfictionMAJOR WORKS:Master Olof (1881)The Father (1887)Miss Julie (1888)Inferno (1897)To Damascus (1898–1904) Source for information on Strindberg, August: Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of World Literature dictionary.

  6. Strindbergovo nešťastné detstvo a komplikovaná povaha viedli k zlému vzťahu k ženám. Napriek tomu, že je jeho dielo interpretované ako jednoznačne mizogýnne, väčšina jeho súčasníkov i dnešných literárnych kritikov oceňujú jeho netradičný pohľad na pokrytectvo, spoločenskú morálku, sexuálne správanie, prostitúciu, a rodové stereotypy.

  7. The Father at the Betty Nansen Teatret in Copenhagen in 1918. Peter Fjelstrup as The Captain and Thilda Fønss as Bertha.. The Father (Swedish: Fadren) is a naturalistic tragedy by Swedish playwright August Strindberg, written in 1887.

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