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  1. Nov 27, 2022 · The incident was contained in a single flat in Bury Court on Church Lane, Bedfordshire Police said. Two men have been arrested as police negotiators spent most of the day dealing with reports of a ...

  2. Nov 2, 2020 · Camden Public Library The Essex, the ship Moby-Dick is based on, was sunk by a vengeful whale. In 1820, a whale rammed into an American whale-hunting ship in the South Pacific. It was the first time in American history that a whaling ship was assaulted by its prey in what seemed like a calculated attack.

  3. Jan 19, 2024 · A man, woman and two young girls from the same family have been found dead at a house. Police forced entry to the home in Costessey, near Norwich, after a call from a concerned member of the ...

  4. Recent reviews. During a routine patrol, a reporter is given permission to interview a hardened cold-war warrior and captain of the American destroyer USS Bedford. The reporter gets more than he bargained for when the Bedford discovers a Soviet sub and the captain begins a relentless pursuit, pushing his crew to breaking point.

  5. The Fort Pillow Massacre stemmed from Southern outrage at the North’s use of Black soldiers during the Civil War. After failing to secure the surrender of Union-controlled Fort Pillow in Tennessee, Confederate Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest ordered his men to take it by force. The fighting that ensued on April 12, 1864, was characterized by ...

  6. May 9, 2017 · Rough Script The Bedford Incident (1965) Welcome to The Bedford Incident (1965). This is a great Cold War film that stars Richard W, Sidney Poitier, and Martin Balsam. All of the actors have been introduced before so there will only be a few additions. This movie has such a great ending you may want to stop and go watch the movie before you ...

  7. Dec 21, 2021 · The Bedford is a destroyer making its way up north near Greenland, shadowing a Russian submarine that has been named Big Red by those aboard the Bedford. The NATO and the Eastern Bloc are at daggers drawn—this is deep in the Cold War, after all—and the Bedford is keeping a very close and very suspicious watch on Big Red, which is a nuclear sub.

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