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  1. › en › shareholders-and-investorsInvestors - Naturgy

    Information transparency is a key factor in meeting our commitment to markets, shareholders, proxy advisers and institutional investors. Our Strategic Plan for 2025 focuses on renewable energy sources and networks, geographies and stable regulatory frameworks. Naturgy is likewise aiming to invest in digitalisation and electrification, and to ...

  2. › en › about-us-naturgyOur history - Naturgy

    In 1992 was created the Naturgy Foundation, a non-profit institution to educate and raise awareness in society of improvements in energy efficiency and technological innovation in the energy sector. It also develops social action programmes both nationally and internationally, in particular by supporting initiatives aimed at alleviating energy ...

  3. › en › about-us-naturgyGas - Naturgy

    We have a flexible, diversified and competitive supply portfolio. 21-bcm gas portfolio. A portfolio that allows us to offer security of supply and uphold our commitment to our customers. Unique and integrated infrastructure. Our infrastructure includes the management of gas pipelines and our own fleet of seven LNG tankers. International presence.

  4. Posteriormente, Naturgy tratará tus datos para contactar contigo para conocer tu grado de satisfacción con el servicio recibido. Tienes derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir tus datos, revocar tu consentimiento en cualquier momento, así como a ejercitar otros derechos como se explica en nuestra Política de Privacidad .

  5. Conscients del repte global que planteja la lluita contra el canvi climàtic, hem transformat i reorientat el nostre negoci cap a la transició energètica a través d’una estratègia basada en l’impuls de les energies renovables i un model de negoci sostenible que contribueix als reptes socials i ambientals que enfronta la humanitat. 6,4 GW.

  6. › en › about-us-naturgyThe Group - Naturgy

    Nedgia is the Naturgy Group’s gas distribution company in Spain, responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of gas networks. It develops innovative and efficient solutions, and promotes new uses of gas. Nedgia. Our business model is developed through a large number of companies, mainly in Spain, Latin America (Argentina, Chile ...

  7. › en › about-us-naturgyGas - Naturgy

    We have 136,272 km of gas distribution network. Visit Our distributor. More than 11 million customers have chosen us as their supply company. We work in the retail and wholesale segments. As a supply company, we are present in countries all over the world. In Spain, we are the leading energy marketer. Visit our trading company.

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