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  1. Show his eyes, and grieve his heart; 1680. Come like shadows, so depart! [A show of Eight Kings, the last with a glass in] his hand; GHOST OF BANQUO following] Macbeth. Thou art too like the spirit of Banquo: down! Thy crown does sear mine eye-balls. And thy hair, 1685. Thou other gold-bound brow, is like the first.

  2. We’ll meet Macbeth there. The WITCHES hear the calls of their spirit friends or “familiars,” which look like animals—one is a cat and one is a toad. I come, Graymalkin! (calling to her cat) I’m coming, Graymalkin! 10 Paddock calls. My toad, Paddock, calls me. (to her spirit) I’ll be right here! Hover through the fog and filthy air.

  3. Shakespeare's source for Macbeth was Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, though in writing Macbeth Shakespeare changed numerous details for dramatic and thematic reasons, and even for political reasons (see Related Historical Events). For instance, in Holinshed's version, Duncan was a weak and ineffectual King, and ...

  4. The Scots successfully defend their country and their beloved king, Duncan. One Scotsman in particular, Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, distinguishes himself in fighting off the invaders. After the battle, Macbeth and his friend Banquo come upon the weird sisters, three witches who prophesy that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor, and one day King.

  5. MACBETH. Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, Till thou applaud the deed. Come, seeling night, Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day, And with thy bloody and invisible hand Cancel and tear to pieces that great bond Which keeps me pale!—Light thickens; and the crow Makes wing to th’ rooky wood.

  6. Macbeth, great warrior though he is, is ill equipped for the psychic consequences of crime. Before he kills Duncan, Macbeth is plagued by worry and almost aborts the crime. It takes Lady Macbeth’s steely sense of purpose to push him into the deed. After the murder, however, her powerful personality begins to disintegrate, leaving Macbeth ...

  7. 左上:遇见女巫;左中:谋杀之后;左下:班柯鬼魂;右上:馬克白;右下:最后的决斗. 《 馬克白 》(英語: Macbeth )是 莎士比亞 最短的 悲劇 ,也是他最受歡迎的作品之一。. 常被認為是他悲劇中最為陰暗、最富震撼力的作品。. 故事的地点设在蘇格蘭,并 ...

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