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  1. Born in August 1136, Petronilla was the daughter of Ramiro II of Aragon and Agnes of Aquitaine. [5] She came to the throne through special circumstances. Her father, Ramiro, was bishop of Barbastro-Roda when his brother, Alfonso I, died childless in 1134. Alfonso left the kingdom to the Knights Templar, the Hospitallers, and the Knights of the ...

  2. Peter, Infante of Aragon (1406 – 1438 besieging Naples, Italy ), Viceroy of Sicily (1424–1425) and Duke of Noto, was the sixth child of King Ferdinand I of Aragón and Countess Eleanor of Alburquerque . Future king John, Henry and Peter were a most troublesome princely group, known as the Infantes of Aragon, nagging, invading, and fighting ...

  3. Feb 20, 2018 · Krótki życiorys Pitagorasa. Pitagoras przyszedł na świat około roku 572 p.n.e. w Samos, w Grecji. Dorastał w duchu nauki. Później jako matematyk i filozof nie mógł pogodzić się z panującym wtedy w Grecji autorytaryzmem, więc przeniósł się do Italii. Ostatecznie osiadł w Krotonie – tam też działał jego związek pitagorejski.

  4. Pitágoras (en griego antiguo Πυθαγόρας; Samos, [1] c. 570 [2] -Metaponto, c. 490 a. C. [3] ) fue un filósofo y matemático griego.Contribuyó de manera significativa en el avance de la matemática helénica, la geometría y la aritmética, derivadas particularmente de las relaciones numéricas y aplicadas, por ejemplo, a la teoría de pesos y medidas, a la teoría de la música o a ...

  5. Nov 10, 2023 · Pitágoras foi um filósofo pré-socrático, astrônomo e matemático grego, fundador da Escola Pitagórica. Ele acreditava que o mundo podia ser entendido através dos números e que a harmonia matemática era fundamental para a compreensão da ordem do universo. Biografia. Nascido por volta de 570 a.C. na ilha grega de Samos, Pitágoras ...

  6. Peter I ( Spanish: Pedro, Aragonese: Pero, Basque: Petri; c. 1068 - 1104) was King of Aragon and also Pamplona from 1094 until his death in 1104. Peter was the eldest son of Sancho Ramírez, from whom he inherited the crowns of Aragon and Pamplona, and Isabella of Urgell. He was named in honour of Saint Peter, because of his father's special ...

  7. › wiki › Peter_IIIPeter III - Wikipedia

    Peter III Aaron (died 1467) Pedro III of Kongo (ruler in 1669) Peter III of Russia (1728–1762) Peter III of Portugal (1717–1786) Peter III (cat) (1947-1964) Religion. Pope Peter III of Alexandria (477–489) Peter III of Raqqa, Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch in 581–591; Peter III (bishop of Lugo) (r. from 1113 until 1133) Peter III ...

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