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  1. › wiki › OperaOpera – Wikipédia

    Opera Slovenského národného divadla v Bratislave. Opera je divadelný žáner, v ktorom sa celý príbeh vyjadruje spevom so sprievodom orchestra a často je doplnený aj baletom. Spevácke hlasy sa v opere rozdeľujú podľa hĺbky. Mužské hlasy sú (od najhlbšieho): bas, barytón a tenor, ženské hlasy sú: alt, mezzosoprán a soprán.

  2. Opera是由Opera軟體基於Chromium架構所開發的網頁瀏覽器 ,採全新模組化設計,內建廣告阻擋器與VPN,特色功能包括工作區切換、标签页岛、快速撥號,整合式側邊欄中的音乐集成、社交媒体等各種集成 ,以及Opera Aria AI ,可供Windows、macOS、Linux、Android與iOS系統使用。

  3. › wiki › OperăOperă - Wikipedia

    Operă (din limba italiană, opera in musica, „ lucrare muzicală “) este un termen desemnând din anul 1597 un gen muzical ca o formă de teatru, fiind deseori denumită teatru liric, în care întreaga acțiune se desfășoară total sau predominant utilizând muzică și cântat. Mai târziu, va fi denumită la fel, de asemenea, și ...

  4. Opera (színmű) Az „Opera” lehetséges további jelentéseiről lásd: Opera (egyértelműsítő lap). A Magyar Állami Operaház nézőtere (részlet) Az opera olasz eredetű szó, dalművet jelent (másként: dramma per musica). Vokális-hangszeres drámai színpadi műfaj, melyben a szerepeket éneklik. Az opera három-négy, ritkábban ...

  5. › wiki › Paris_OperaParis Opera - Wikipedia

    The Paris Opera ( French: Opéra de Paris, IPA: [opeʁa də paʁi] ⓘ) is the primary opera and ballet company of France. It was founded in 1669 by Louis XIV as the Académie d'Opéra, and shortly thereafter was placed under the leadership of Jean-Baptiste Lully and officially renamed the Académie Royale de Musique, but continued to be known ...

  6. Origins of opera. Dafne by Jacopo Peri was the earliest composition considered opera, as understood today, [1] although with only five instrumental parts it was much more like a chamber opera than either the preceding intermedi or the operas of Claudio Monteverdi a few years later. It was written around 1597, largely under the inspiration of an ...

  7. Baroque opera (1600-1750) The first Baroque opera ever written was performed in 1597 in Florence in Italy. It was called Dafne and the composer was Jacopo Peri. This opera is now lost, but three years later, in 1600, he worked together with another composer called Giulio Caccini to write an opera called Euridice.

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