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  1. Sep 6, 2024 · What is for certain is that physical dangers are present, with the degradation of humanity embodied within a single crazed killer (Arben Bajraktaraj), and the deep-sea dangers depicted with hungry crabs that hunger for human flesh.

  2. 1 day ago · Regjizori Budina me një kastë aktorësh të talentuar si Gresa Pallaska Arben Bajraktaraj, Adem Karaga, Gerhard Koloneci, Kodjana Keco, Paolo Iancu si dhe skenaristja e talentuar nga Kosova, Doruntinë Basha, kanë një film që do të mbeten gjatë në memorien e publikut.

  3. Aug 24, 2024 · An intimate apocalypse movie – harking back to economical items like The Last Woman on Earth or Where Have All the People Gone? – with a family on a boating holiday near Cuba undergoing an ordeal when the polarity of the Earth reverses, raising the sea-bed into a near-desert studded with wrecked planes and boats and dumped toxic waste drums and ...

  4. 5 days ago · Aktorët. Robert Budina ka mbledhur një kast të mrekullueshëm aktorësh që sjellin në jetë karaktere të ndërlikuara dhe plot emocion. Gresa Pallaska, një nga aktoret më të dashura për publikun mbarëshqiptar, interpreton rolin e Aidës, ndërsa Arben Bajraktaraj, aktor shqiptar me famë botërore që jeton dhe zhvillon aktivitetin e tij teatral dhe filmik në Paris, luan rolin e ...

  5. 4 days ago · Arben Bajraktaraj (born 29 January 1973) is a French actor of Albanian origin. Bajraktaraj has starred in numerous French films but also in minor roles of international movies, such as in Eden Logand Sex Traffic.

  6. Sep 6, 2024 · Arben Bajraktaraj. Survive - A couple celebrates their son’s birthday in the middle of the ocean on their boat. A violent storm hits and it brings up hungry creatures from the d.

  7. Sep 5, 2024 · Once the girls arrive in Europe, Kim is kidnapped by the criminal organization led by Marko Hoxha (Arben Bajraktaraj). Mills' quest for revenge leads to many tense and explosive action sequences.

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