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  1. A Second Coalition, led by Britain, Austria and Russia, and including the Ottoman Empire, Portugal and the Kingdom of Naples, was formed in 1798, but by 1801, this too had been defeated, leaving Britain the only opponent of the new French Consulate.

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  3. Jun 25, 2024 · Battle of Austerlitz (December 2, 1805), the first engagement of the War of the Third Coalition and one of Napoleon’s greatest victories. His 68,000 troops defeated almost 90,000 Russians and Austrians, forcing Austria to make peace with France and keeping Prussia temporarily out of the anti-French alliance.

  4. States allied and counter-allied against various perceived threats undermining each others capabilities to the point where a stronger power could take advantage of it. Napoleon demonstrated this skilfully with Russia and Austria in 1804, and Prussia in 1806.

  5. Encouraged by the defeat, Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia formed the Sixth Coalition and began a new campaign against France, decisively defeating Napoleon at Leipzig in October 1813. The Allies then invaded France from the east , while the Peninsular War spilled over into southwestern France .

  6. 2 days ago · Napoleon had gathered his major force along the French Atlantic coast for a possible invasion of Great Britain, and the Austrian statesmen believed that, even should they receive news that Napoleon was marching east, the Austrian and Russian armies could easily unite before he could bring his forces to central Europe.

  7. The Third Coalition itself came to full fruition in 1804–05 as Napoleon's actions in Italy and Germany (notably the arrest and execution of the Duc d'Enghien) spurred Austria and Russia into joining Britain against France.

  8. Jan 2, 2017 · On 18 May, Napoleon was joined by the Austrian emperor, Francis I. Despite Barclay de Tolly's desire to launch some early pre-emptive offensives in East Prussia and Poland – essentially a means of spoiling French preparations – no attack orders from Alexander were forthcoming.

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