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  1. Great Bar Food Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Marty Bars: Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
    This recipe was adapted from my friend Katie's friend Marty who created this healthy breakfast bar. This recipe is perfect for someone on a food plan for Overeater's Anonymous, people avoiding sugar or those using Weight Watchers to lose weight. Great served warm or cold! Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Additional bars can be stored in the freezer.
    Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
    Great finger food for kids or adults, and especially suitable for anyone with food allergies since there is no wheat or milk in the recipe.
    Snickerdoodle Blondies
    I've seen this recipe on several food blogs and was obsessed with them. Being a big fan of Snickerdoodle cookies, I knew the moment I saw these I had to give them a whirl. What impressed me most about this recipe was that it was super basic, no need to run out and buy anything special, just raid your fridge and pantry and bake away! These are super easy to make and will have your house smelling heavenly in 10 minutes. These bars go great with a cup of piping hot coffee! Now get obsessed with these bars and get to baking! My hats off to Julia of Dozen Flours who I adapted this from and tweaked to create this new favorite of my family and friends :) Now everyone asks me for the recipe! I have not seen a recipe on Zaar like this, so I am posting it here to share!
    Bar Pizza-It's What You Crave
    There has never been a more one-of-a-kind pizza like the bar pizza. For the most part they are never good, many times they are awful, but that has never stopped anybody from ordering one. Patrons order them because they are drinking. Combine it with hunger and it makes these pizzas far better then they would ever be if a shot of better judgement was in hand. Without exception a bar pizza reigns over the pink pickled eggs languishing in the murky liquid of the large glass jar back by the whisky. Bar pizzas are also infinitely better then the microwavable cups of Spaghetti-Os or the burritos ensconced in a cardboard tortilla. Even so, that doesn't make them good. Here is the catch, in Indiana this food exists and maintains a life all its own because in Indiana if a bar sells liquor by the drink it has to be able to serve food to a minimum of 25 people at all times. On top of that many bars(mostly working class bars) don't have room for a kitchen much less the money for one. To get around this law most bar fly type establishments bring in a microwave, a toaster oven labeled as a pizza oven, or a snack rack where pork rinds rule. Sporks and disposable tableware abide, as do paper towels used as napkins. It is less then the bare minimum and ordering anything while the bartender is busy is likely to make him/her hate you. In the moment though, when hunger and alcohol meet, a bar pizza is the best pizza ever. It doesn't happen often but it does happen enough that people continue to order them. If all things aline, it hits the sweet spot—that meaty place on the bat that makes hitting a home run feel effortless. In food speak it is the moment when something is at its best, it is perfectly ripe for eating, and waiting longer is to watch perfection in its decline. Here is the problem, why would I want to make one of these awful pizzas at home? If I do make them at home it doesn't mean I am drinking at home, well not often anyway. It means I have kids, kids that want pizza—all the time. I make a great pizza dough. I make great pizza but then there are those nights where I don't want too. It is readily apparent to me why I need to perfect this pizza. Make it a dinner everyone requests on any given night. The point is, this is a great pizza to have in your back pocket and I never would have thought much about it until I read an article at Serious Eats. At that moment I knew I was going to start making bar pizzas, I was diving in deep and going for it, and I did. Like lots of recipes though, and maybe even more so, this one takes practice. Myself, I always make a recipe three times before I give up on it and in this case it took all three times. It's okay, there is nothing wrong with eating your mistakes when it comes to food. Besides it is not a lot of work and here is why. My kids love spaghetti and there is rarely a day I don't have a homemade tomato sauce of some kind in the fridge. Bacon, ham, salami, or even pepperoni are always in the deli drawer. I almost always have some sort of mozzarella too, either fresh or grated. I have taken too keeping tortillas in the freezer for quesadillas, so adding tortillas as pizza crusts to the list of uses is a plus. . Even so, if you had none of these specific ingredients you have something, say eggs, ham, and gruyere. If not you won't make this pizza anyway. But as I said, I am looking for the sweet spot, with practice I found it, and ever since making bar pizzas is like effortlessly hitting one out of the park. 1. When it is time to sauce the tortilla put a dollop of sauce in the middle of the tortilla and using the back of the spoon spiral your way to the outer edge. If this were a regular pizza I would tell you to stop short of the edge by about 1/2-inch but with this kind of pizza take the ingredients to the edge. It keeps the tortilla from being charred beyond recognition. 2. I have used all kinds of pans to make this pizza, stainless steel, enamel, cast iron and a comal (pictured). I like the camol best but I also know not everyone has a comal. I made these in a 12-inch cast iron skillet for a long time before I started using the comal. I use a comal simply for ease of access to the tortilla. I makes the pizza easier to assemble. 3. Turn on the broiler before taking anything out of the fridge or putting a pan on the stove. It needs time to get hot. 4. Keep all the ingredients at pans edge. These go fast and you have to be ready with the ingredients. 5. It is important to brown the the tortilla deeply before turning it. If it isn’t brown enough the pizza will lack the crunch that makes it so good. 6. Place the top oven rack 7 to 8 inches from the broiler. This prevents the pizza from cooking to fast and keeps the edges from burning.
    Roasted Garlic Guacamole with Help-Yourself Garnishes
    Rick Bayless knows all about how to throw a great fiesta, or party, and a key part of any great fiesta is the food. “I like to welcome guests with this guacamole bar,” he says. “I start off with a basic guacamole made with roasted garlic and set out bowls of toppings so everyone can customize each bite.” (Recipe from Fiesta at Rick's by Rick Bayless; W.W. Norton and Company, 2010.)
    Veggie Balls
    Sometimes you gotta take a break from the hard-core carnivordom, and these are the way to go—just ask our staff, who eat them around the clock. These balls happen to be Mike's favorite too. You'll often find us at the bar with a big bowl, topped with [Classic Tomato Sauce](/recipes/food/views/369172) or [Spinach Basil Pesto](/recipes/food/views/369193) and a side of steamed or sautéed spinach. And when it comes to kids, this is a great and tasty way to sneak in more veggies.
    Chunky Chocolate Jam Bars
    This recipe is from Kraft Foods and sounds as though it would be great for the holidays. The recipe calls for raspberry jam but I think that strawberry would be equally good and festive.
    Chocolate Raspberry Bars
    This great recipe comes from Taste of Home New Cake Mix Creations cookbook & is only for the sweetest of sweet tooths! Preparation time does not include time needed for crust to cool or for completed bars to cool in the refrigerator.
    Raspberry Almond Bars
    This is my favorite bar recipe. It tastes delicious and is well worth the effort! This would be a treat on anybody's Christmas tray or maybe even a potluck. I used Oil crust for 1 pie Recipe #82181 for the pie dough and it worked out great! Hope you enjoy it!