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  1. The Trap (Season 1 Episode 1 of 2): Part one of two. Nazi offensives on Western nations during the Second World War. Apocalypse: Hitler Takes on the West airs on National Geographic Channel at 5: ...

  2. The government signs an armistice as half the country is taken over and plunged into chaos, while people try to escape. Apocalypse: Hitler Takes on the West airs on National Geographic...

  3. 原題: Apocalypse: Hitler Takes On The West. ©Bundesarchiv. 放送予定. 24.07.03 20:00. ヒトラーの罠 (原題: The Trap) [二] 24.07.10 20:00. パリ陥落 (原題: Last Battles) [二] 番組内容. 1940年5月10日、アドルフ・ヒトラーはヨーロッパ侵攻を開始。 ドイツ軍の恐ろしい戦車や爆撃機は、短期間のうちにオランダ、ベルギー、北フランスに侵攻し、人々を恐怖のどん底に突き落とす。 ついにパリに到達したヒトラーが次に目指すはロンドン。 果たしてチャーチルはヒトラーを止められるのか。

  4. As the settlers eat, drink, and dance one evening, an Apache war party approaches in the dark. They attack the dance and kill dozens of men, women, and children, setting fire to the entire town ...

  5. V máji 1940 sa Adolf Hitler rozhodol zaútočiť na západné krajiny Európy. nacistické tanky a lietadlá ničili mestá a dediny Belgicka, Holandska, severného Francúzska. V Dunkirku, malom mestečku na pobreží Francúzska, sa zhromaždilo 330 tisíc britských a francúzskych vojakov na úteku pred Hitlerom.

  6. › wiki › Adolf_HitlerAdolf Hitler - Wikipedia

    Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934.

  7. Ni måneder efter Anden Verdenskrigs begyndelse sætter Hitler sigte mod at erobre Vesten – for enhver pris. Mens nazistiske styrker stormer tværs over Belgien, Holland, Frankrig og videre til Storbritannien, tager deres intense voldsperiode konflikten til et skræmmende nyt niveau.

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