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  1. Jun 18, 2024 · In the first part of the article, I present the characteristics of Roman Dmowskis literary work. In the second part, I conduct a detailed analysis of the The Journey to the Ideals, paying particular attention to queer elements.

  2. Jun 15, 2024 · Roman Dmowski śpiewa „Czerwony Sztandar”, czyli polityka w stanie mgławicowym. Młode, niepokorne umysły, próbujące odnaleźć się w warunkach intensywnych przemian społecznych i narodowej niewoli, w latach 90. XIX wieku często ogarniała „moda socjalistyczna”. Roman Dmowski. Fot. NAC.

  3. Jun 25, 2024 · According to Chwalba, the differences between Piłsudski's vision of Poland and that of his rival National Democratic leader Roman Dmowski were more rhetorical than real. Piłsudski had made many obfuscating statements, but never specifically stated his views regarding Poland's eastern borders or political arrangements he intended for the region.

    • Central and Eastern Europe
    • Polish victory
  4. 1 day ago · Roman Dmowski’s alternative policy of linking the Polish cause with the Franco-Russian alliance appeared promising when the first formal offer of Polish autonomy and unification came from the Russian commander in chief, Grand Duke Nicholas, on August 14, 1914. Subsequent moves by the Russian government, however, revealed the hollowness of ...

  5. 4 days ago · Dmowski showed his diplomatic skills and highlighted problems that were particularly important for Western countries – the aggressive behaviour of the recently defeated Germany towards its neighbours and the need to create countries in Central Europe that would be governed according to the principles of democracy, balancing any future German ...

  6. 4 days ago · W grudniu 1918 r. rząd Francji, a za nim Wielkiej Brytanii i Stanów Zjednoczonych, uznał Komitet Narodowy Polski w Paryżu z Romanem Dmowskim jako przewodniczącym za jedynego przedstawiciela Polski na planowanej konferencji pokojowej w Paryżu. Jednak, poza Francją, kraje te nie przyznawały mu atrybutów rządowych.

  7. 6 days ago · Roman Stanisław Dmowski (9 August 1864 – 2 January 1939) was a Polish politician, statesman, and co-founder and chief ideologue of the right-wing National Democ.

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