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  1. not know (one) from a hole in the ground To not know who one is just by looking at them; to have never met one before. Even though Jake had worked at the company for nearly 10 years, the boss still didn't know him from a hole in the ground.

  2. not know (one) from a hole in the ground (redirected from not know someone from a hole in the ground ) To not know who one is just by looking at them; to have never met one before.

  3. To not know who one is just by looking at them; to have never met one before. Even though Jake had worked at the company for nearly 10 years, the boss still didn't know him from a hole in the ground. I don't blame them for not giving me permission right away.

  4. The phrase “know one’s ass from a hole in the ground” is an American idiom that has been used for many years. It is often used to describe someone who lacks knowledge or common sense, or who is completely clueless about a particular situation.

  5. 'Know one's ass from a hole in the ground' is an English idiom. It means 'to be knowledgeable or competent in a certain area; often used in the negative to imply someone is clueless.' English-grammar-lessons

  6. Feb 9, 2022 · Not know (one's) ass from a hole in the ground slang rude. To be extremely stupid; not to be alert. She didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground when quitting such a decent job. What! You refused such a good price! You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

  7. To know or recognise someone at all. 1938 , Graham Greene, Brighton rock 'Who is she, anyway? Interfering . . . pestering . . . you must know.' 'I don't know her from Adam ,' the Boy said.

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