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  1. Find out what happened today or any day in history with On This Day. Historical events, birthdays, deaths, photos and famous people, from 4000 BC to today.

  2. On This Day In History: anniversaries, birthdays, major events, and time capsules. This day's facts in the arts, politics, and sciences.

  3. 3 days ago · Every day is special for some reason, and today is no different! Here you’ll find some interesting facts & events that happened today in history, as well as The Fact Site’s Fact of the Day! Learn what special holiday falls on this day and how to celebrate it.

  4. Carthaginian forces led by Hannibal destroy a Roman army under consul Gaius Flaminius in a battle at Lake Trasimene in central Italy. Today in History is everything that happened on this day in historyin the areas of politics, war, science, music, sport, art, entertainment, and more.

  5. 3 days ago · Search the largest and most accurate independent site for today in history. Learn which important and interesting historical events happened on today in history. Hundreds of events, facts and photos from history, film, music and sport.

  6. Search our history channel for today in history without the celebrities. Historic, important and momentous events that happened on this day in history. Events include discoveries, inventions, battles and many firsts in history.

  7. Today in history – which major historical events happened on today's date? Who was born on this date, who died? In which year did the birth or death occur?

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