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  1. Mar 26, 2019 · The pros and cons of juveniles being tried as an adult are beginning to find some resolution. The Supreme Court of the United States declared that all states must retroactively apply a band on mandatory death-in-prison sentences for juveniles.

  2. Oct 3, 2016 · Over time, reforms allowed more juveniles to be tried as adults, but studies show this approach has not been effective and may lead to higher recidivism rates. The article advocates for a shift back to rehabilitating juveniles in the justice system.

  3. Jan 8, 2007 · Teens tried as adults commit more crimes when released; their educational and employment prospects are markedly worse, creating opportunity and incentive for more crime; they bear a lifelong, potentially debilitating stigma.

  4. Apr 1, 2024 · Despite Stevenson’s arguments, there are 20 states in the U.S. that allow juveniles to be tried and sentenced as adults, and face life imprisonment in exceptional cases. For child advocates like Stevenson, there is some good news.

  5. Dec 14, 2015 · Beyond what brain science reveals about adolescent development, experts contend that the adult criminal justice system does not deter repeat offenses by juveniles under 18.

  6. Prosecuting Youth as Adults Puts Them At Risk. Many youth in the justice system have experienced or witnessed violence and trauma. Youth in the adult criminal justice system face a higher risk of sexual abuse, physical assault, and suicide.

  7. Apr 19, 2023 · There is no constitutional right to be tried in juvenile court. What has modern neuroscience shown about the differences between the developing and the adult brain, and how justifiable is trying, prosecuting, and sentencing children in the adult criminal justice system?

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