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  1. Mar 23, 2020 · When you're counting your daily steps, are 10,000 enough for you — or maybe too many? Learn how walking can help improve your health and how to set the right goal. By Mayo Clinic Staff

  2. Aug 7, 2023 · Learn the beneficial effects of walking 10,000 steps daily. From improved cardiovascular health to increased energy levels, this article reveals the remarkable benefits of this simple and accessible exercise routine.

    • Where Does 10,000 Steps A Day Come from?
    • What Did The Research find?
    • What Are The Study’S Limitations?
    • What’s The Bigger Picture?

    Dr. Lee discovered that the origins of the number go back to 1965, when a Japanese company made a device named Manpo-kei, which translates to “10,000 steps meter.” “The name was a marketing tool,” she says. But since the figure has become so ingrained in our health consciousness (it’s often the default setting in fitness trackers), she wanted to se...

    Key findings from the study include these: 1. Sedentary women averaged 2,700 steps a day. 2. Women who averaged 4,400 daily steps had a 41% reduction in mortality. 3. Mortality rates progressively improved before leveling off at approximately 7,500 steps per day. 4. There were about nine fewer deaths per 1,000 person-yearsin the most active group c...

    Dr. Lee notes that this study was designed to look at only two factors. One is mortality — not anything related to quality of life, cognitive functions, or physical conditions. So, this particular study doesn’t tell us how many steps to aim for in order to maximize our quality of life, or help prevent cognitive decline or physical ailments. The sec...

    While the scope of this study is narrow, Dr. Lee draws some bigger-picture findings. 1. Exercise recommendations are often measured in time: at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week has been the federal government’s recommendation since 2008. People who aren’t active may find it difficult to know exactly how long they’ve been moving...

    • 4 Blackfan Circle, 4th Floor, Boston, 02115, MA
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  3. Mar 24, 2020 · Here, two walking experts explain how to sneakily incorporate more steps into your routine and the benefits you’ll get from doing so. They also share tips for setting a realistic step goal (Spoiler: it’s not necessarily 10,000). Lace up and read on.

  4. Nov 16, 2021 · The 10,000 steps per day goal started with marketing, not science. A new study shows that more steps may take us down the road to better heart health, but there's no magic number.

  5. Jun 23, 2023 · Discover the incredible benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day on your body and mind. This article explores the surprising physical and mental benefits of reaching your daily step goal, including healthy weight loss, improved joint health, elevated mood, and enhanced cognitive function.

  6. May 17, 2024 · How to get 10,000 steps a day. Here are some simple ways to add steps to your day — practically without feeling it — and obtain the benefits of 10 minutes of consecutive walking. Park farther away

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