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  1. Dictionary
    Odds and ends
    /ˌädz ən ˈen(d)z/


    • 1. miscellaneous articles or remnants: "we bought batteries for the radio and a few other odds and ends"

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  2. Feb 12, 2022 · Now, what does Kant mean with his talk of “means” and “ends”? The “end” of an action is what I want to achieve. Let’s say, I want to get my pen back, which I forgot at a friend’s house yesterday. The “means” are the instruments or tools that I will use to get that pen back.

    • Ends and Means
    • Thought Experiments
    • Tradeoffs
    • Conclusion

    What are your goals in life, what is it that you care about? When people are asked what they value, answers will include things like happiness, freedom, fairness, friendship, biodiversity, truth, pizza, equality, medicine, loyalty, and many other things. In theory, it may be that someone values all of these directly. However, for most of the exampl...

    In order to figure out which values are terminal and which instrumental, we can design thought experiments to isolate any potential values. Let’s take the example of medicine: If someone cared terminally about medicine, it would always be important to her that there is medicine. However, imagine a world where no one ever gets sick, would medicine b...

    Something important to keep in mind is that having more than one terminal value implies that there will have to be tradeoffs. In a decision-situation where two of our terminal values conflict with each other (i.e. where it’s impossible to maximally fulfill both), we need a decision-procedure that determines which quantity of the first value could b...

    Because of habit forming and presumably also the way our values evolved, we are sometimes tempted to mistake instrumental values for terminal values. This is unfortunate because having more (stated) values means that there will more tradeoffs, which means that our actual terminal values, the ones that we’d keep under reflection, end up less satisfi...

  3. Feb 23, 2004 · 1. Aims and Methods of Moral Philosophy. 2. Good Will, Moral Worth and Duty. 3. Duty and Respect for Moral Law. 4. Categorical and Hypothetical Imperatives. 5. The Formula of the Universal Law of Nature. 6. The Humanity Formula. 7. The Autonomy Formula. 8. The Kingdom of Ends Formula.

    • Robert Johnson, Adam Cureton
    • 2004
  4. Apr 13, 2019 · If a person agrees to someone using him and understands her ends in doing so, then how can she be treating him merely as a means? Appealing to reflective common sense, philosophers have tried to illustrate how.

  5. Quick Reference. The end of an action is that for the sake of which it is performed; the means is the way in which the end is to be achieved.

  6. Jan 20, 2005 · 3. Means and Ends. The standard objection to Dewey’s instrumental theory of value judgments is that it concerns the value of things as means only, and not as ends. It fails to fix on what is ultimately important: intrinsic values or final ends.

  7. Jun 15, 2016 · The book has eight chapters divided into two parts. The first part is given over to an analysis of treating persons merely as a means, the second to treating them as ends. Audi begins with a distinction between treating someone solely as a means and treating them merely as a means.

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